Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday football recap - Week #12

Steelers:  Sigh.

Defense - If I were the defense, I would be in the offensive players' faces.  The defense did their job and more and the offense absolutely dropped the ball (and that pun was unintentional).

Turnovers - Eight. Count them. Fumble, fumble, fumble, interception, interception, fumble, fumble, interception.  Not going to win games with those mistakes.  Every single one of our running backs managed to fumble the ball.  Everyone.  Mendenhall?  Check.  Rainey?  Check.  Dwyer?  Check.  Redman? Check.  Seriously?

Penalties - We have them each week.  At some point wouldn't you think these guys would understand?  Wouldn't a light bulb go off in their heads?  Duh?  We should stop doing that because we are getting killed in yardage?  Apparently not.

Charlie Batch - I don't blame Batch at all.  In the beginning they wouldn't let him throw.  It took three fumbles and almost the entire first half before he was given the okay to throw.  I wouldn't have any confidence in myself then either.  Jeez.  Batch knows this team.  He can throw the damn ball.  Let him play the game.  Practice his ass off this week doing nothing but passing.  You have to warm up something that hasn't been used in years.  I still believe he can lead us down the field and his coaches and teammates have to believe that too.  Otherwise...we're done.


Cincinnati - They are moving up in the division after a slow start.  Now they are tied with the Steelers for the second place and wildcard spot.  Give them credit for hanging in there and not giving up as they use to do.  Maybe we should have some of their players come over for a pep talk.

Bucs - Oh, so close.  Should the Bucs have punted instead of putting it all on the kicker with three minutes still on the clock?  I can't answer that because the game was blacked out in our area.

Ray Lewis - Sources say he is coming back to the Ravens.  Might be just in time to secure a place in the Bowl the way this team is playing.  OT win against the Chargers yesterday secured their place at the top.  No wonder I got pushed around last Sunday by Ravens fans while sporting my Steelers jersey.  They can talk the talk because they are walking the walk.

Colin Kaepernick - The backup turned starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers made it look easy in their win against the New Orleans Saints.  Coach Jim Harbaugh then tried to "squelch" the  quarterback controversy that he started but no one really gives a hoot about.  Take the win and move on Harbaugh.

Peyton Manning - No one was really worried yesterday were they?  Pfft.  The man is headed to a show down with the Ravens for the spot in the Bowl.  Tom Brady who?

Other Manning - I called at least one game right yesterday.  Peyton's baby brother, Eli, tore up the field with three touchdowns in their win against the Green Bay Packers after not making any TD's in the last three games.  This team is trying to tell us they aren't done yet either.

Pre game camera shots - Every pre-game show has shots of the quarterbacks entering the stadiums on game days while they voice over commentary on what these guys will need to do to win the game.  Why does Aaron Rogers of the Packers hide his face?  He does this every week and the media continues to show him as if taunting him.  First of all, ignore it Rogers.  You play in the NFL and showing your mug on TV is part of the business.  And seriously this isn't the paparazzi out stalking you and your family.  Walk past the cameras and keep your head in the game.  Secondly, the media needs to stop showing him each week because obviously he doesn't like it.  Respect that because I'm tired of seeing him shove his bag at the camera and the poor guy behind it just doing his job. 

1 comment:

  1. Because of my lack of knowledge on the NFL the only comment I can leave is Way to go ND!! I may not know much about football but it is fun to watch the local college win:)
