Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Steelers recap

Bring back the bee uniforms! I called it. For some reason we can't play well against and put away junk teams. The Chiefs were 1-7 coming into this game for heaven's sake on to our field on Monday night football. We hold the record for most wins at home on MNF. Jeez. I don't know if we are just  cocky and think games like these are a cake walk, or if we don't care, or if we just aren't that good and the past two weeks were just a fluke. Whatever it is it is torture to endure wondering which team is going to take the field.

Big Ben - He went down in the beginning of the second half on the third play of the game sandwiched by two linebackers, Justin Houston's helmet hitting Ben's shoulder. I didn't think the hit looked like much compared to some of the hits he has taken in the past, but when he got up his right arm was dangling and he immediately went out of the game and off the field. From there he went to the hospital and word is it is a sprained shoulder, but rumors are swirling it is more. I'm a believer in Byron Leftwich and an even bigger believer in Charlie Batch. Ben is so much counted on as the leader that there isn't a number two quarterback, but Batch hasn't dressed out for any of the games this year and Leftwich went in last night as backup. It will be a long rest of the season, especially the next three games without Ben.

Jamaal Charles - The Kansas City Chief running back bulldozed through our defense like they were bowling pins rushing for 100 yards. If we can't stop him how in the world will we stop Baltimore's Ray Rice?

Timmons' interception - It almost l looked like the one intercepted by Tampa's Leonard Johnson on Sunday except Timmons had to jump to get the ball. Either way I slept better last night.

Wallace TD - He may have annoyed many with his holdout at the start of the season, but if he makes catches like his one handed, between the legs, in the endzone touchdown he just might get what he is looking for. He's got a chance to shine now that money man Antonio Brown is watching from the sidelines. Unfortunately, that TD was pretty much all he did against theChiefs, only pegging two more passes.

Injuries - besides Ben last night we may have lost safety Ryan Clark to his second concussion of the season. Just add him to out growing list of sideline cheerleaders: Brown, Polamalu, Mendenhall, etc., etc., etc. Add all of that to the $50,000 fined to Emmanuel Sanders and the team for Sanders alleged faked injury in the game against Cinncinati and the Steelers are hurting.

Running game - Why is that when we only have one running back in the game he puts up numbers in the hundreds, but when we have two they can't compete at a high level? Without Ben the running game has got to strengthen. These guys have got to find the holes and together rake up the yardage.

Next Week - The Ravens. No Ben. Night game. Lord, help us!

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