Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A week to go

Seven days left until Christmas,
Still so much to do.
How I will get it all done?
I really haven't a clue.

The tree still needs ornaments,
The cards are not done.
The house is a clutter,
I'm not having fun.

I am not a poet, but Madison has been working on a huge poetry project which I've been roped into helping with, and I had a weak moment when it came to writing today's blog.  I came up with the first stanza fairly quickly and that led me to think that perhaps I was suddenly a poet that could rhyme, because we all know poems should rhyme.  The next two lines came almost as quickly, but then I hit the wall and after desperately squeezing out the next two lines I called it quits.  I am not a poet.  Therefore, my list of the seven things still left to be done before Christmas arrives in seven days:
  • Finish decorating the tree - We got our tree on Saturday.  What is usually a family outing ended up being Tom picking out and buying the tree because Madison had homework and Darcy and I were out shopping.  By the time we all convened that evening we decided the decorating was best left for the following day.  The following day Tom was out shopping, Madison had homework, Darcy was wrapping, and I was immersed in football.  Eventually the lights made it on the tree, but that wasn't until we threw out six strands of unlit lights and made two trips out to find new ones.  By that time dinner was ready, the Steelers had lost, and the finale of Survivor was on.  The ornaments still have yet to make their way from box to tree.
  • Finish decorating the house - The outside of the house is done, but the inside is a confusion of half done half not done.  The Christmas boxes I couldn't get down didn't come down until Sunday.  Slowly I have been going through them and getting out what I want to put out in my home, but the home is filthy and must be cleaned before decorated.  Football is on Sundays and I had other chores such as mounds and mounds of ironing, which is best done when watching football, so the decorations are now sitting on the dining room table...along with the ornaments for the tree.
  • Create, label, and send out cards - I take tons of photos during the year, but for some reason there is never a great photo.  Tom wants a card with all of us on it, I hate being in front of the camera, and no one ever can come together at the same time to even attempt it.  I like just the girls on the card, but as usual there is not one photo of them that would work.  Last year I sent out New Year's cards and it looks like that will be the way I go this year too.
  • Order online gifts - I have things that need to be ordered online, yet I haven't done it.  I don't have an excuse except that I'm really not sure what I have and what I don't have.  I'm so discombobulated when it comes to the gifts this year.
  • Finish purchasing gifts - I always have a list of all the gifts I need to purchase and then I punch it into a spread sheet with prices so that everything is even and fair, but for some reason I haven't been on top of that this year.  I can't remember what I have.  I bought things and then immediately wrapped them.  My receipts are a mess and I don't feel I have time to go through them to organize.  I still have people on my list that I don't have gifts for and then I wonder how that is possible seeing that I've spent tons of money already.
  • Plan the meals - I'm not cooking the huge Christmas meal nor am I hosting it. I was smart to pawn that off on my unsuspecting sister-in-law, but I do know that I need to contribute to the dinner, as well as have the gang to my house for some meals. I feel better when I have some ideas and some supplies on hand when that time arises, but I also am not the best cook of the group and don't feel very confident.
  • Relax - The problem with the holidays as an adult is that it is stressful due to the above. I want everyone to have an enjoyable experience, something memorable, and I've taken that upon my shoulders. I must make it happen, but that kind of pressure can be overwhelming to a pressurized person. I need to take a step back and chill, but my "must make people" happy guilt won't allow it.

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