Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday morning sports recap - week #17

Steelers:  Ended on a win that meant nothing regarding continuing in the playoffs.  Gotta take it when we can get it despite the meaninglessness off it.  Long season without much satisfaction, but we did have big egos, lots of injuries, poor offensive coaching calls, many penalties, tons of dropped passes, and the number one defense in the league.

Defense - I'll lead with them because once again they played like the #1 group that they are.  We had sacks.  We had forced fumbles.  We had a Troy Polamalu interception.  If only we had all of that every game this year.

Plaxico Burress - He caught one in the endzone for a touchdown, and I don't care what anyone thinks he will remember that one for the rest of his life.  Burress has already admitted that he made a mistake in leaving Pittsburgh so being back and scoring had to be gratifying.

Mike Wallace - He didn't play due to injury.  I don't think he cares whether he plays for the Steelers ever again.  He has a big head and a lot of disrespect for an organization that certainly doesn't deserve that.  Big Ben says he supports Wallace and wants him back, but my question is whether Wallace wants to even be back with Ben or the Steelers.  Maybe that big contract to Antonio Brown was the right decision in the long run.

Other:  How could I forget those teams that sit out their main players?  My bad.

Adrian Peterson - What a fabulous performance!  At one point it was taking 7 defensive Packer players to pull him to the ground.  This man is so smoking hot that he sizzles when he runs.  So much fun to watch.

Jets - Should have given Tebow a shot.  Couldn't have been any worse.

Colts - Coach Chuck Pagano returned to the sideline with his team after missing most of the year fighting cancer.  It was emotional not only for him, the players and the fans, but it was that way for anyone watching football this weekend.  This team is a group of fighters like their coach, and I have to say that despite my misgivings in releasing Peyton Manning and coach Jim Caldwell it looks like this owner might just know what he is doing when it comes to football.

Texans - How could you really want to beat the Colts knowing that Pagano was back on the field?  Even Adrian Foster showed his respect after scoring by touching and bowing to the "Chuckstrong" banner in the endzone.  After the game most of the Texan players made a point to speak with Pagano who grabbed everyone of them into a big ole bear hug.  Sometimes life is just more important than football.

Saints sign coach - I'm looking forward to next season when we don't have to hear about the Saints and their bountygate anymore.  So Sean Payton scored big by signing a five year contract extension.  Did anyone think he wouldn't?  He has something to prove getting back into the dome, and I look for the Saints to be contenders next year if they continue riding on their "we were done wrong" emotion.

Black Monday - The Monday after week 17 in the NFL arrived with a bang.  So far five coaches have been fired; the Eagles Andy Reid, the Bills Chan Gailey, the Browns Pat Shurmur, the Bears Lovie Smith, and the Chiefs Romeo Crennel.  Two GM's have been fired; the Browns and the Jets.  The Jets have elected to keep coach Rex Ryan, a move I'm not sure is the right one.  So far no word on Chargers coach Norv Turner, but he too is expected to get the boot.  Lovie Smith was a surprise, but the Bears, despite a win yesterday, lost their bid for the playoffs when the Minnesota Vikings beat the Packers to slide in ahead of them.  I'm hoping Andy Reid will take a year off to regroup before applying anywhere.  I think after 14 years with the Eagles and his last five years of personal troubles he needs to take a break.  Will be interesting to watch where everyone lands.

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