Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

Me: "Where did you get those pictures?"

Darcy: "My friend had front row seats."

Me: "How did she get those?"

Darcy: "Her mom's boyfriend got them."

Me: "I didn't realize that guy I met was in that field. I thought he was in another line of work."

Darcy: "Oh, that guy isn't her mom's boyfriend. That's just her friend."

Me: "Uh, no I've seen them together. That's her boyfriend."

Darcy: "No, they're just friends with benefits. She has another guy for a boyfriend."

Me: "Friend with benefits? What do you mean by that? Where did you hear that?"

Darcy: "You don't know what that means? Well, I'm certainly not going to tell you. You can look it up."

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