Sunday, January 27, 2013

From the teens' eyes

I decided after my blog entry yesterday to run the list of things parents don't understand by both of my daughters to get their opinions.  Here were their responses:

Teens are obsessed with Facebook
Madison:  "What?  You are more obsessed with Facebook than I am!"
Darcy:  "I don't have Facebook."

Teens have as much work as adults what with school and all
Madison:  "I think you understand that."
Darcy:  "I kind of think you understand that."

Teens don't care that their rooms are messy
Madison:  "My room isn't messy really.  But then I can't stand when my room is messy either.  It bothers me."
Darcy:  "That is very true and you don't understand that."
Me:  "I understand it.  I just don't care.  Clean your room...because I said so!" (see tomorrow's entry)

It is necessary that teens have smartphones
Madison:  "I don't think that is necessary."
Darcy:  "I don't think that is necessary."

That it is possible to socialize on video games.
Madison:  "You play more games than I do."
Darcy:  "You can socialize on video games, but I don't."

Teens music choices
Madison:  "What? You listen to that kind of music!  I don't."
Darcy:  "You listen to the same music that I do!"

Teens sometimes need to be alone
Madison:  "Okay, but I think you understand that.  You use to be a teen too."
Darcy:  "Um, o-k-a-y.  You get that."

Why they don't tell us "what's happenin'"
Madison:  "You get that, but we tell you stuff."
Darcy:  "I tell you everything!"

Teens vocabulary
Madison:  "That's one you have trouble with, but you like learning."
Darcy:  "Yeah, you aren't so great with the texting language."

Teens have a ton of pressure
Madison:  "So do parents.  You understand that."
Darcy:  "Yeah! Teens have a lot of pressure.  But I don't like this "understand" idea.  I think you understand all of this."

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