Saturday, January 12, 2013

NFL picks - playoffs week #2

Denver over Baltimore - This is the one game I'm interested in because I dearly, and I mean truly, love Peyton Manning. I think he is the epitome of greatness, not only in football but in humanity as well. He is the type of man I would want for my daughters. I so want him to have the year of his life after all that he struggled through last year, but that doesn't mean he will. Baltimore has a desire, a fire, and a purpose now. They are ruthless and plain mean. The Broncos will have to hold the Ravens defense and protect Peyton like they never have before. On the other name, Denver has a defense too and if they can get inside Joe Flacco's head and score on turnovers they can be the difference. Should be a good game, but I sincerely hope Denver blows them away. I just worry they won't.

Green Bay over San Francisco - I'm taking the underdogs in this game, and yes, I see the pattern...not picking the Harbaugh teams. I don't know what it is about those two men, but I like to dislike them. This too could be a good game (and one I'll have to tape since I'm going to see the Cake Boss Buddy Valastro tonight) with both teams fighting their way to the finish. I think the winner will depend on which team shows up tonight to play. I've been impressed with how the Packers are playing these last few weeks, and they have certainly been better than the 49ers. But the 49ers knew they had the playoffs and they won't want to make the same mistakes as last year, so they should be more motivated.

Seattle over Atlanta - Come on how can I not pick them? They are the little scrappy team that could. I'm counting on the defense and my boy Russell Wilson. I know Atlanta, like the 49ers and Baltimore, have paybacks from last year's playoff debacles, but this Seahawks team is plain fun to watch so I'm taking them. Plus if Pete Carroll gets to the Super Bowl I have more of a chance to make some money when people googled that and hit upon my Yahoo article!

New England over Houston - Uh, yeah does anyone expect the Texans to beat Brady and company? J. J. Watt has his work cut out for him. I just don't see Houston running away from a veteran team and a veteran coach. Doesn't mean I won't be rooting for them! I hope they do win, but I just can't pick with my heart.

Notre Dame - Wow. They didn't even bother to show up for the Bowl game. Those Irish boys were giving a huge ass whupping in front of millions of people and they just stood and took it as if they knew they didn't deserve it. I watched Notre Dame all season since my husband has suddenly become a fan after touring the campus this summer. That wasn't the same team on Monday night that I watched all season. It was befuddling. I would like to discuss it with Regis.

Hockey - It's back on. Does anyone even care?

Monte Kiffin - The best defensive coordinator in my opinion behind the Steelers Dick LaBeau. He worked for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for 13 years before following and working for his pushy college coach of a son from Tennessee to California. He finally said enough this year and left his son's crew. The Dallas Cowboys wasted no time in firing their coordinator, Rob Ryan, and snatching up Kiffin. They are willing to make a lot of changes for next year after missing one too many playoffs including switching to Kiffin's 4-3 defense. I was hoping Kiffin would come home, but knew he wouldn't be unemployed for long.

Jim Boeheim - The Syracuse head basketball coach posted his 903rd career win last week passing Bobby Knight to move up to second in the all time winning list behind Duke's Mike Krzyzewski. Boeheim, the bespectacled coach of the Orangemen, took it all in stride after his team beat Rutgers, but insisted the numbers meant nothing to him. It is nice to see that more teams keep their coaches through thick and thin. Turns out these teams are mostly winners.

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