Friday, February 08, 2013

From the travel journal - Pompano Beach - rest of the trip

Entry #1 - Darcy - (With some editing, but not much because it is so cute)

Today me and my friends and family are going to Miami for Thaksgiving.  Yesterday all the kids me, Brianna, Madison and Natale did a spa.  We got jobs.  Brianna's job was massaging peaples back.  Kelly's was the hair.  Madies job was the makeup and my job was painting peaples toenales.  By the end of the spa we all looked difent inclooding Natale!

Entry # 2 - Cara - The kids swam despite the chilly weather.   Madison and Brianna enjoyed the game room.  All of them played volleyball.

11:52 am -Krista and the girls have left for home -- only an hour behind schedule.  We are feeling a bit blue without them, but we think a game of Bingo will pep us up before heading to Greg's.

1:22 pm - Off to Miami Beach.  No Bingo winners, but Danielle gave gifts to us anyway.  Must fill out an employee kudos for her!

The view from Greg & Jorge's balcony in Miami Beach
Entry #1 - Kelly - We are heading home today.  We are currently in Alligator Alley.  Thanksgiving has come and gone.  At Greg and Jorge's we had turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, gravy, biscuits/rolls, asparagus, apple pie and pumpkin pie.  The table was set very nicely with name cards and a centerpiece and candles.

I arrived on Tuesday night to Greg's house with plans to party the night away.  Greg had been up since 4 am though and put a 1:00 am limit on the fun.  He was concerned about getting a shopping list together and figuring out appetizers.  Since he had lots of bacon already, we settled on Paula Dean's bacon wrapped breadsticks, deviled eggs and cocktail franks, cheese and grapes.  Both Greg and I were exhausted by 12:30 pm.  I just can't party the way I used to.

The next morning we went to Cosco (big crowds) and Publix.  Cara arrived later in the afternoon.  Jorge had a cold, but stayed up later playing card with Cara, me and Madison.

Entry #2 - Cara - (as I remember it) - Greg and Jorge live in paradise on the top floor.  I parked in the sky.  There were hidden doors for sneaking out of.  Greg and Kelly cooked our big meal.

While Madison, Jorge, and I played cards Kelly and Darcy served us appetizers.  I liked that.  The meal was delicious as was the table.  The cappuccino machine was my favorite.  The balcony with a cappuccino was my second favorite.

We drove back and spent another night in Pompano Beach before heading home.  The weather was better, but not enough for me to put on a bathing suit and get into the pool.  Not so for the girls and Kelly.

It was a good trip.  Next time I'll come back in warmer weather and try to stay on one of the Fairfield's on the beach.  Also, we won't come after a hurricane has hit.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun, is this a Wyndam place?
