Sunday, February 24, 2013

Halfway mark on the diet

Some of my readers have been clamoring to know how the diet is going so I thought today I would give some of my pros and cons on the Shred diet as I enter the end of my third week. The diet is only a six week plan so I'm halfway there, but only in the diet as I haven't lost half of the twenty promised pounds. I've lost four pounds in two weeks and certainly don't anticipate a loss of six pounds by the halfway mark. But in Dr. Ian Smith's defense I haven't stuck totally to his plan. I have had more than a few lapses, missed my third meal on occasion, and on some days I flat out had to eat something different than the plan called for. For the most part, however, I've been a good girl. Here then are my  pros and cons of my experience on the Shred diet.
  1. Food tastes better - After the first few days of dieting I began to notice that everything I ate tasted so delicious.  Foods I've made for dinner in the past had more flavor and just seemed so much more delicious.  I don't know if it is because I have more of an appreciation after all the smoothie drinking, but I'm certainly enjoying foods. PRO
  2. New dishes - I am an eater who eats what she likes and rolls up her nose at the foods I dislike.  On this diet I have been forced to eat some of the foods I dislike, the main one being whole wheat bread.  First of all, I'm not much of a bread eater.  I eat it with sandwiches and I enjoy garlic bread, but I'm not one of those people who gobbles up rolls at restaurants.  Before I started the diet I discussed my issue with one of the bakers at our local grocery who handed me a loaf of 100% whole wheat, five grain bread.  She promised me I would love it and OMG I do.  I love it so much I jump up and down on the days I'm allowed to eat it.  I also have discovered I like brown rice and that I can actually eat sweet potatoes without puking. PRO
  3. Tired of smoothies - This diet is the three "s"es because you can have snacks, soups, and smoothies.  I've never been much of a fruit smoothie person, but my husband has a maker and I discovered that I liked them just fine.  However, at the third week mark here where now I have them two or three or sometimes four times a day is starting to get old.  I've had to resort to some creativity and gone to the Internet to find other recipes then the ones in the book.  I also have found that I enjoy them fresh from the blender instead of a day later from the refrigerator and cleaning that maker is getting old too. CON
  4. Hard when you cook for others - I'm a mom. I have kids who depend on me for meals that aren't prepared in a blender. I find the diet is easier for me during the week when the kids are busy with school and I'm busy working than it is on the weekends. On weekends we are all scattered in the wind, or we like to eat out, or the girls need something quick before babysitting. Those are also the days on the diet plan that don't allow as much substance as other days. Fridays are usually our pizza nights, something that isn't on the diet until the latter weeks, and it has proven to be my real downfall. The smell of it in the car causes me to jump into the box and devour multiple pieces. Then I go home and eat a small salad.  I would like it if my fourth meal of the day came with some recipes that would incorporate the rest of the family too. CON 
  5. More energy - Eating something every three or four hours, actually more like every hour and a half with the snacks, has definitely changed my metabolism. I have more energy and my mid afternoon sleepiness has all but disappeared.  This is huge for me as I was sort of going crazy with how many naps I needed just to function. PRO
  6. Easy when out and about - I should have read through the entire book first.  Instead I read as I went.  Now that I've taken the time to read through the lists of items that count as my snacks I realize how easy it is going to be from now on to pick up snacks while out on the road.  The meals, soups and smoothies, are easy as well when running around town as most places offer these items. PRO
  7. Deciphering the book - What I mean here is that I find some parts of the book confusing.  In the beginning of each phase there are a list of things you are allowed to do and not do.  I am suppose to drink a glass of water before each meal and another during the meal, but then in the listing of each meal it says I am to have a drink, and it lists some examples, and then it says that it should be different then what I drank in the previous meals.  And water is listed as one of the choices.  Huh?  An added con is that it is really hard to drink that much liquid when the meal also consists of a smoothie.  I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. CON
  8. Exercising - On each day I get a set amount of exercise time ranging from 30 to 45 minutes thus far.  It is all suppose to be cardio based and the author lists some examples, but for some people some of those options aren't going to be available or be allowed.  I have knee and back problems and jogging isn't something I do unless someone is chasing me.  I've seen Dr. Smith on some shows where he demonstrates easy five minute exercises you can do at home, but interesting enough these aren't listed in the book.  I figure any exercise is just as good. EVEN

1 comment:

  1. After reading your blog this morning I had the desire to try the smoothies...well at least for today...I am blogging all about it right now...Good job on losing some weight! You are inspiring me!
