Thursday, February 28, 2013

Out of the mouths of my babes

Darcy:  "So...apparently (this is her new way of beginning conversations) the team we play tomorrow in basketball is off on a field trip and they will only have five people playing.  So we are going to play the first half like a regular game and the second half some of us will play for them like an expedition game."

Me:  "It isn't expedition.  That's another word.  You meant exhibition."

Darcy:  "Whatever the word is that's what's happening."

Me:  "Do you know what the word expedition means?"

Darcy:  "Uh, a trip?"

Me:  "Ok, good.  More like a discovery trip like Christopher Columbus."

Madison:  "A journey."

Me:  "Now what does the word exhibition mean?"

Darcy:  "It means that's what we're doing tomorrow in our basketball game."

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