Monday, February 04, 2013

Super Bowl 2013 recap

It almost wasn't a game, but a blow out, and conspiracy theorists want to know if Jim Harbough paid an underling to disrupt the power in the Superdome so that his older brother wouldn't beat him. Ah, the media and fans of football, and not from the two teams playing, were certainly happy to have a turnaround to what was a butt spanker of a game before the lights went out in New Orleans. As for me, cheering on the team that hates the Steelers more than anything, wasn't nearly as hard when I kept thinking it might just fire up our boys for next year.

Ravens defense - These guys came out smokin' to prove to the football world they were more than just Ray Lewis' backup boys. Ed Reed showed off for his hometown crowd by grabbing an interception. Cornerback Jimmie Smith stopped the last pass of the game with some questionable touching of Michael Crabtree, who was doing his own questionable touching. The defense deflected balls and forced a fumble and continually stopped the 49ers from scoring seven in the first half. They slowed after the light fiasco, but pulled it together in the end to keep the 49ers from taking the lead. It was good defensive football with plenty of hard hits and great stops.

Colin Kapernick - The problem with the Super Bowl is that it begins before the game and lasts an eternity, especially for a rookie quarterback playing in the big leagues for his tenth time. Kapernick looked liked a deer caught in the headlights through the first half, and his normal way of running and gunning seemed to have been squelched by a skittish coaching staff ala Michael Vick. The problem with that theory is that both those guys are best when they are allowed to play their way, which Kapernick began doing in the second half before running it of time on the clock.

Joe Flacco - I can't say the guy is easy to fluster anymore. For the past two seasons he has kept his cool and been a leader. He showed more poise than I've seen him have and his team lined up right behind him with confidence. His arm was steady and straight and his feet moved with a ballerina ease in and out of the pocket. He deserved the MVP award.

Ray Lewis - Is there anyone more camera shy then this guy? Pfft. He reminds me of a kid who immediately smiles that cheesy grin when a camera is pointed in his direction. Lewis just seems to find the attention no matter, and he is always happy to give some type of sound bite. But I've said it over and over, the guy knows how to motivate and damn if he isn't a leader.

Black out - No one knows what caused some of the banks of lights to shut off soon after the halftime show, but no one panicked and no one got hurt. The Ravens lost their momentum allowing 17 points after the lights came back on, and had that been my team as a fan I would have been ranting and raving. Had my team been on the other side of the blackout I would have called them babies. I finally had to agree with Kelly who said, "Things happen. Deal with it."

Harbaugh against Harbaugh - I just keep picturing the next few years at family gatherings when Jim pisses off his older brother and John reminds him who beat whom. John may have felt some bittersweet moments after winning yesterday, but his little brother ain't going to be happy until he kicks the Ravens' ass.

Commercials - Good ones, bad ones. Hated the gross slurping and devouring of the model and the nerd on "It is just disturbing," Darcy said the second time around, her hand up to block the screen. Thought the M&M was just as gross. Liked the Kia, the Clydesdale, the Tide, Taco Bell, and the car buying with the baby wolf. And the farmer was excellent, although too long and too documentary for a commercial.

IU back to number 1 - What? Football's over. Time for Hoosier ball baby!

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