Monday, June 03, 2013

Happy 14th Darcy

We have had a whirl wind of a week with 8th grade graduation, high school finals, and Darcy's birthday, which I will admit I forgot about until Darcy reminded me on Friday night.  The next day I asked my husband if he thought about what we were doing for Darcy's family birthday celebration.

Me:  "Have you talked to your mom or sister about Darcy's birthday dinner?"

Tom:  "No.  When are we going to do it?  When is it?"

Me:  "Tomorrow."

Tom:  "Darcy's birthday is tomorrow?"

Me:  "You forgot your daughter's birthday???"

I know, but it made me feel better.  Luckily, I had purchased all of her gifts and the relatives were all available to party with us.  But I did get roped into planning another party for her later in the week with her friends.

Her gift from her sister

Her gift from her parents

Her bows, book, and shoes
Darcy chose to eat dinner with the family at Macaroni Grill.  In attendance were her grandmother Connie, her grandmother Mary Anne, her Aunt Julie, her cousins Micheal and Brea, and her parents, sister, and Kelly.

The birthday cookie cake

Blowing out the candles

Like mother, like daughter
She raked in quite a bit of loot and had a good day despite her parents father's forgetfulness.  Happy Birthday baby girl!

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