Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pictures from our week with family guests

We spent time with Grandma Connie taking her to doctor appointments, her sleep study, the grocery, the library, etc. We sat and talked and talked and even the kids joined in in between checking their phones for new Instagram photos and texts.  We also worked in the pineapple plantation with Susan planting her very own pineapple in a stolen planter box she took from the neighbor.

Gabby getting the cart for Grammy
Working in the plantation
Grammy's growing pineapple and Susan's newly planted one
At the sleep clinic

Here comes the gang

This pineapple matches Gabby's pineapple outfit she has on

Working with Grammy's walker
We also did a lot of eating, both out and in.  I cooked quite a bit this trip and Susan ate out a little less this year.  All the way around the food was scrumptious.

Frenchy's Saltwater Cafe

My chiptole lime shrimp tacos
Breakfast at my favorite hang out

Sweet Tomatoes

Guppy's...the pina colada was delicious after my beach burn
Susan also got back in touch with her palm trees around my area of Florida, something she insists we take photos of every time she spots one.  I can't tell you how many of these pictures I own.

The rest of the time was spent in my backyard by the pool or at the beach to soak up rays.  Tom took the girls to swim with the manatees in Crystal River one day so Susan, Kelly, and I went to the beach.  It was a cloudy day when we got there and looked like rain so Kelly and I did not apply sunscreen, something we knew better about, and so you can write the rest of that story.  I fell asleep in my chair and Kelly and I also spent considerable time in the water while Susan, who never applies sunscreen, tanned and tanned.

Swimming with the manatees

It was a great visit and much too short.  Hopefully, they will be back or we will see them in Indiana.

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