Monday, July 01, 2013

2013 Six month resolution

I score myself from 1 - 10 and tally up the scores, aiming for a perfect 50 points.  I've yet to ever get that 50, but I keep thinking that I will and that is what is important.
  1. To get down to a certain weight (which will not be mentioned here for all to see) by eating healthy and exercising - Maintaining, but not loosing.  I'm exercising, but not regularly.  Guess that wasn't my intent when I signed up with this one.   Score: 5
  2. To organize my schedule, my desk, my home, and finish the scanning/organizing of photos.  That means getting rid of stuff and boxing up and storing other stuff. - I would say that I'm doing about as well with this one as number 1.  Do a bit then I don't do anything.  Score:5
  3. To work on my patience and try to not be so uptight.  To channel my inner Sharons, two people who I think handle life calmly -Think I'm still doing okay on this one.  Score: 6
  4. To get into couponing to save money - Uh, not so great on this one.  Score:  1
  5. To contribute more articles to Yahoo and Google and try to earn some cash - Yeah, haven't done this one either.  Oops. Score: 0
Total:  17 out of 50 points - Really dropped here at the halfway mark.  Guess that means I need to pay more attention, sort of poop or get off the pot.

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