Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Oh, my gosh, look how long it has been since I blogged!  So sorry to my daily three readers.  I have no excuse except I'll give some anyway.
  1. It is so hot here that coming into the room where my computer sits is just unbearable.  And I have to use my computer because I can't figure out, or blogger can't figure out, how to get the pictures and words all put together properly from the mobile app.
  2. I think of things to write about and then promptly forget them.  I think old age has something to do with that.  I didn't think I was old until I started seeing actors from the 80's on television; actors that I grew up with.  Has anyone else noticed this?  I have aged better then a few of them, I might add, but the brain?  It hasn't faired as well as the rest of me.
  3. I have Connie to care for.  She is hanging in there, taking care of things herself for the most part, getting along with her caregivers, but I blame everything else on her so why not this too.  Sorry Mom!
  4. I went away for the weekend right before I was suppose to go away for my summer vacation.  Just the thought of loosing those three days of getting ready for the bigger trip stressed me out.  But the weekend trip was a good one and the girls and I had a blast.  Hey!  A blog entry maybe.
  5. It is the rainy hurricane season in Florida.  Along with the hot, hot weather we have rain, rain, rain.  Like EVERY DAY.  It can come in the morning.  It can come in the afternoon.  It can come in the evening.  And no matter when it comes it comes hard and fast and out of nowhere.  With the rain comes lightning and everyone knows that with lightning you stay away from the computer and electronic gadgets.
  6. I'm too busy nagging my kids about their summer homework.  Yes, summer homework.  Piles and piles of this stuff that one kid HASN'T EVEN TOUCHED YET.  It is a full time job just to get the other one to peek at hers.  I have no time for anything else.  They say they will work on it on the drive up north, and that is my #7.
  7. I'm going to have to drive to this vacation.  Behind the wheel of a car.  For 16 hours and more.  That stress alone has caused me sleepless nights and no sleep renders me useless for anything else besides yelling at my girls to do their summer homework.  See how it all fits together?
  8. My desk is messy.  I'm not sure why I can't keep all of that under control, but it might have something to do with the previous excuses.  Either way when I sit down to blog I get distracted by all the crap on my desk.  The other day that led to some filing which in turn led to shredding of files over ten years old.  I shredded so long that the motor cried foul and shut down.  I then couldn't blog because the shredder was sending off heat waves under my desk in that hot room...
  9. The dog needs too much attention and the girls are too busy procrastinating to deal with him.  Which leaves me to walk him, throw toys for him, chase him around the couch, feed him, and love him.  That in itself takes tons of time.
  10. Not much has happened to write about.  That is the truth.  Nothing.  It has been an uneventful summer except for the usual things like illness, leaking car tires, dog allergy, mother's swollen ankles, bad back, hunger, etc.  But who wants to hear about those things?

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