Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy 4th to our dog

This week Elliot turned four.  He did it without much fanfare because the first and last time we celebrated his big day with special doggie treats he broke out in itchy spots that Tom swears was because of the birthday iced treats we gave him.  Since then the spots have not really gone away and the vet has declared he has allergies to flea bites, which was enough to make us give up the whole happy birthday celebratory party.

We didn't get Elliot until October of 2009 after the obligatory nine week period and after returning from a vacation.  He was 14 weeks by then.  Of course, I marked his birth date, the date on his puppy contract papers under birth.  August 21st. 

Tom figured I was just assuming the date so of course I had to prove it to him and pulled out the folder with all of Elliot's papers in it.  He joined in the search and found his AKA papers that he himself had filled out.  Under DOB he had written August 15, 2009.  I pulled out the puppy contract and pointed to the birth date filled out by the breeder.  Now which one of those do I follow?

Tom shrugged and said the breeder probably just guessed the date and who cared Elliot was born in August.  Yeah, August 21st.  I'm a mom.  I know my kids dates of birth whether I pushed them out or not.

So Happy Birthday to our Elliot who has, despite my reluctance, won over my heart and who has added so much joy to our little family.  And he doesn't care that Tom doesn't know which day he was born on or not.  He just knows he is loved.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Elliot:) Our pets are truly part of the family. As much as you loved dogs growing up I am surprised you were reluctant. He looks very happy and not a day older!
