Saturday, August 31, 2013

She has the blood running in her veins

On Friday nights Kelly comes to our house in the evening and we have dinner, plenty of television viewing, and dessert. It is a weekly ritual and it began when Kelly got rid of most of her cable and her DVR to save money. Our shows that I record and save for our Friday nights include Survivor, The Middle, Modern Family, Person of Interest, and Elementary. It is a full evening. 

When summer began we still got together and tried to play games instead.  That didn't always work out so we started watching Motive, a summer replacement show from Canada.  The premise of the show is one where the viewer knows the killer and the victim, but not the motive.  The program plays out in the hour with the three cops working hard at finding a motive that will lead them to making an arrest while allowing the viewer to slowly, through flashbacks, discover the same.  

In last night's show, the killer was a young man who had grown up as an orphan and had never gotten over his lot in life, working at dead in jobs and playing heavily in the gambling world. In one scene he goes to his bookie and bets the big bucks, money he doesn't have, on Indiana to win in a basketball game. We then see him watching the game on his IPhone, we hear the announcer say Indiana is ahead by two with two seconds on the clock, and we see the opposing team hit a three at the buzzer. The killer gets mad,  throws his phone, and then chucks a few more items around the van that he calls home. 

Darcy, at the end of the scene, looked at us and said, "Well, that isn't very realistic having Indiana lose now, is it?"

Oh, yes, this kid is a Hoosier by bloodline. 

1 comment:

  1. What a conclusion Darcy! Love it.
