Monday, October 07, 2013

Monday NFL recap - week 5

The Steelers were off.  The Bucs were off.  Is it always that way?  Our area got the Chicago game on one channel...boring, and the Dolphins on the other channel...exciting.

Bucs - I have to say something here about this team despite their bye week.  I personally have felt, and have stated, that the Buccaneer organization has never treated their quarterbacks right.  Never.  Josh Freeman was doomed the moment he signed a contract.  He was not a bad quarterback.  He holds franchise records here in Tampa for his first few years.  He led the team to wins in the last few minutes in several games.  Yes, he didn't play well this year, but after all the drama that happened I see how that could be the culprit.  Yes, Freeman acted like a baby.  Yes, he made mistakes with his lateness, his no show for the team photo, and his ESPN interview.  But Freeman is a kid.   He is 25 years old.  I don't care how long he has been in the business.  That doesn't make him a man.  These kids are coming into the NFL with guidance from people that are making money off of them.  They need some mentoring, and one would think it would come from the coaches, the general manager, and the owners.  Schiano is 47 years old, almost twice the age of Freeman.  Who should have been the bigger one in this mess?  Who should have shut this down before it got so widely out of control?

I think Schiano was never on board with Freeman.  I think he either lied in the interview that he was on board with him or he was honest and gave in when the organization said too bad we are going with Freeman.  Either way I think he went along to get a job in the NFL.  Either way I blame Schiano.  He is the coach.  I could certainly be wrong about all of this, but it still doesn't change the fact that he is the coach and everything that went down is on him.  It was so childish I still can't wrap my head around it.   Freeman was released by the Buccaneers, most likely giving him his 6.5 million still owed, this week so "they could move on".  Pfft.  More like "we had no choice after that information was leaked about his participation in the NFL substance abuse program, and we sure hope we don't get sued."    It is unknown who released that HIPAA protected information, but it was someone within the Bucs' organization.  That's a problem.  One the Bucs will have to answer for because an investigation is underway.  There is trouble in that organization and Schiano has to take responsibility.  I hope Freeman lands somewhere where he will be mentored.  I hope he is big enough to accept the help, accept his part in his past, and play the kind of football I think the kid can play.  Or maybe he won't do any of that.  Maybe his time is done.  Either way he should start by talking to Steve Young and Trent Dilfer. 
(Update:  After I wrote this Freeman chose to go with the Minnesota Vikings.  Hmmmm...Guess after watching the Raiders this morning he figured he wouldn't start there.)

Dolphins - You have to catch and hold on to the ball when the time is clicking down and you are down by 3.  You have to hold the line when time is of the essence and not let your quarterback get sacked for the 6th time.  You have to at least get close to the uprights when kicking a field goal.  You have to be in synch, be calm, and be confident to win those types of close games.  The Dolphins made another comeback from behind, lost it, had plenty of time to get it back, made some phenomenal plays, and then messed it up with dropped passes, sacks, and a missed goal.  Heartbreaking.

Colts - Little Andrew Luck had more in him then I gave him credit for, huh?  The two quarterbacks traded hefty touchdown passes one right after the other, but in the end Luck was the winner and Russell Wilson threw the interception. 

From everything that I've gathered, seen, and read the Colts organization is a class act starting with its owners on down to the coaches.  A nice piece on Fox pregame show that proved it even more.

Giants - 0-5, but they looked better in so many ways.  And we tell our younger athletes that improving is what matters, right?

Post game interviews - The NFL Network shows a bunch of the interviews after the games have ended, and frankly I want to hear what some of these players and coaches have to say.  I'm interested in what they think was the answer or what went wrong.  Yes, there will be dumb questions asked by reporters, but shouldn't these coaches be use to that by now?  I'm tired of certain coaches or players acting put out by having to answer questions they consider ridiculous.  Of course, it is annoying, but be the bigger one.  This is your job.  We understand, win or lose, that you have better things to get to and do, but this is your job.  Stand up there, be polite, and answer the questions without acting like a boob.  Take a page from the Manning brothers' interviews.  You think Eli wanted to be in front of reporters after losing for the 5th time? Classy all the way with those guys, win or lose.

Denver/Cowboys - What a game!  I am not a Cowboy fan.  I am not a Jerry Jones fan.  I don't mind Tony Romo, but I don't cheer for the team.  Now that I'm a Broncos fan (what? I can't find a team to back during my own losing season?) I had extra reason for them to lose.  Romo and Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning traded passes and yardage all game long.  Romo threw for over 500 yards, a Cowboy record, but in the end his interception was worse then Manning's.  Fun.

Chargers - This is my brother's team.  I have no idea why he backs the Chargers, but he always has since childhood.  I like Phillip Rivers, or I did like him until he failed in last night's/this morning's game knocking me out of the NFL Survival Pool.  The Raiders?  Really?

Pink - I'm all for breast cancer awareness.  I'm all for putting the word out there about all types of cancers.  I liked the Fox pregame guys wearing the pink ribbon, but I just wonder how much money is spent on all the other pink items from head to toe in the football world?  Even the high school athletes and cheerleaders at the game I attended on Friday night were wearing pink items.  Wouldn't all that money spent on that apparel be better spent on cancer research?

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