Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday NFL recap week 12

Steelers: Be still my beating heart...another fabulous, well played defensive game. Could it be? Could it be we are just now warmed up?

Troy Polamalu - When the view is wide enough I always have my eye on Polamalu. Try it. Watch this guy on a series. He starts out in the back. Then he is in the front. Then he is running backwards. Then forwards and to the right. The man is everywhere. Yesterday he was making plays like a crazy, well, Troy Polamalu. He read the quarterback. He popped balls out of receiver's hands. He got his hands on the ball. He tackled under and over and around. It was wonderful to see him back. 

Defense - So much for those haters whining about how defensive coordinator Dick Lebeau should retire. Pfft. He has newbies that just needed some time and veterans who just needed a butt kicking. William Gay being one of those. Yesterday he had a good game with a pick and a strip and we need more of that from these veterans. 

Weather - It was a wind chill of 1 degrees and snow flurries. Prime weather for the three rivers guys who play in an outdoor stadium in a state known for chilly degrees. 

Antonio Brown - He is certainly proving why management went with him over Mike Wallace. Another solid performance from the receiver who had the Browns best defender on him like ketchup on a hot dog. 

Playoff Picture - Now that the Steelers are winning and the other AFC teams are losing and the records are mimicking one another the future isn't as bleak as originally thought.  Now I have to hope that other AFC teams in the hunt - Chargers, Baltimore - start losing.  I have to stop worrying about winning a pool (sorry Kelly) and channeling my energy into making other teams fumble.  Of course, I still have to pull the Steelers through as well.  Ah, football at the holidays!


Broncos/Pats - Better start out with these guys, the cause of my late sleep in this morning thus a late post. Holy crazy game! The Broncos defense came out to play and in the first half they led 24-0. Peyton had little to do except throw in the red zone for the most point to get the points. But give Belichick credit because whatever he said in the locker room worked. The Pats defense came out and got Brady on the field and this time his line held and Brady did what Brady does and suddenly the Pats were ahead 31-24. Peyton was not Peyton until then and sure enough he brought it to a tie and into overtime. 

Coin toss - I actually had to rewind to make sure I hadn't lost my mind. Belichick wins the coin toss and gives the ball to Manning? Gives the ball to Peyton Manning. P EYTON M A N N I N G. Turns out old Bill felt the wind would be a disadvantage. Turns out old Bill knew something because Manning couldn't get the score. But then again neither could Brady. 

Ending - Both teams had to punt, but as the Pats punted the ball it went short, due to wind, and it bounced and knicked a Bronco player on the hand making it a live ball. The Pats recovered it and kicked the field goal to win the game. All the announcers and tweeters have whined about seeing a game like that end this way. Pfft. Welcome to football guys. Welcome to COLD weather football. Welcome to what the Super Bowl is going to be like in February. And what? You wanted a tie?

Super Bowl - And speaking of that bright idea of playing in MetLife Stadium in New York in the dead of winter...maybe the reason most teams have losing records this year is because they would rather be in Hawaii at the Pro Bowl. 

Ass whopping - That would be what the Arizona Cardinals did to the Indianapolis Colts. 40-11. No comeback here for Andrew Luck. That is sometimes what happens when your old offensive coach knows you so well. 

Texans - Put a fork in them. Their record now is 2-9, the same as the Jaguars the team that hadn't won a game until last week and who beat the Texans this week. They have now lost nine games straight, lost their coach to a mini stroke, and been attacked from a veteran player as he exited the team. Problems, problems, problems. 

Cam Newton - He made a play that I think Ben Roethlisberger could be making at least niece each game. The Panthers were on their own 5 yard line. The center hiked the ball to Newton to pretended to give it to his running back, but who instead kept the ball and strolled onto the end zone for the score. I just think so many times that when the Steelers go for it on fourth and one that is the play we should be doing. Or throwing. No one expects that on fourth down. 

Tie Game - The Minnesota Vikings game at Lambeau Field ended in a tie with the Green Bay Packers because neither team scored in the two possessions in overtime. Whose bright idea was this rule?

Chiefs/Chargers - My pick played off as Philip Rivers did what he hasn't been able to do in the last three weeks...come back and win. He did it with 31 seconds on the clock and a beautiful pass to the corner of the end zone. 

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