Sunday, November 10, 2013

NFL picks week 10

Last Week - 7 - 6
Overall - 84 - 50

The pool I'm involved with includes all the pro games and a handful of obscure college games.  I've never understood the college portion of the pool, but since that is the way it is I've had to pay attention to the NCAA games.  This week two of the games were played on Thursday night along with the NFL game and I lost all three.  All three.  I figured it would be downhill the rest of the way.  My partner and bookie chose the optimistic version.  "Perhaps you'll get all the rest of them correct."  My response?  "Pfft."

  • Washington over Minnesota - I watched RGIII last week and liked what I saw.  I had hope. Yes, yes, Christian Ponder did wonders last week too, but I liked RGIII better.  WRONG.
  • Seattle over Atlanta - Okay, now seriously who went the other way on this one?
  • Detroit over Chicago - Cutler in?  Cutler out?  I went with the Lions.
  • Philadelphia over Green Bay - Win one for the injured quarterback at home?  Back up, older quarterback Seneca Wallace vs. back up, younger quarterback Nick Foles?  I went with the guy who threw 7 touchdowns last week despite his crappy team.  Not too hopeful now with my crappy track record so far this week.
  • Tennessee over Jacksonville - Well, like the Atlanta game who wouldn't?  This could be the week though for the Jags.
  • Indianapolis over St. Louis - You just have to like this Andrew Luck guy despite his replacing my beloved Peyton Manning at Indy.  I can't dislike him no matter how hard I try.  He is aw-shucks, polite, and well, Peyton-like in life and at work.  I can't see them losing to the Rams.
  • Giants over Oakland - Had to go crazy with a pick.  Why not this one?
  • Pittsburgh over Buffalo - And this one.
  • Cincinnati over Baltimore - And had the Ravens winning this one at one point, but decided two crazy picks was enough.
  • San Francisco over Carolina - Went back and forth on this game as Cam Newton has stepped up lately.  In the end I went with the line.
  • Houston over Arizona - The Cardinals keep winning when I don't pick them and the Texans lose when I do.  I just keep thinking the Texans will get it together and what better time then now with their coach ill?  They didn't do it during the game and that is understandable what with the unknown on his condition, but know they know.  Let's see what they have as a team pulling together during hard times.
  • Denver over San Diego - I'm a Broncos fan now too.  Not enough to buy a shirt, but then again I don't like orange.
  • New Orleans over Dallas - The Cowboys lost today when the Saints got their butts kicked last week.
  • Miami over Tampa Bay - My bookie argued this one.  Felt perhaps the Dolphins locker room was in disarray.  Of course it is, but the difference is vast.  A team mate felt he had to LEAVE the team which tells me the Dolphins in the locker room obviously didn't see an issue at all.  Ho Hum just status quo in the room.  Bucs Palace, on the other hand, well, that is a messed up place right now.  Can the Bucs pull out a win?  Sure they can.  Might kick butt today, but at the time I made the pick I didn't feel it.  Went with the gut.

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