Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New and old resolutions

Let's see how I ended the year on my 2013 resolutions:
  1. To get down to a certain weight (which will not be mentioned here for all to see) by eating healthy and exercising - Nope.  Score: 0
  2. To organize my schedule, my desk, my home, and finish the scanning/organizing of photos.  That means getting rid of stuff and boxing up and storing other stuff. - I think I did this one most of the time.  Score: 6
  3. To work on my patience and try to not be so uptight.  To channel my inner Sharons, two people who I think handle life calmly - My kids say I did this one fairly well and that is good enough for me.  Score: 7
  4. To get into couponing to save money - Yes.  I can say I did this one in the beginning and in the end, even saving $45 in one day.  I feel confident in saying I rocked this one. Score:  9
  5. To contribute more articles to Yahoo and Google and try to earn some cash - Nope. Score: 0
Total:  22 out of 50  - Better luck next year?

My 2014 resolutions:
  1. To take control of my life both physically and mentally so that I am a happy, healthy person by the time I turn 50.
  2. To treat my blogging as a job so that I am writing more than the previous year.
  3. To purchase a new wardrobe and get rid of items that I have held on to for way too many years.
  4. To assist in the college process as needed.
  5. To seriously change my language so that the "naughty" words are used less.  Yes, this is one I've worked on for years, but if I'm going to take control this one should be controlled as well.
Happy New Year everyone!

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