Monday, March 10, 2014

Two month 2014 resolution check

I'm a tad late on this, but better late then never, huh?
  1. To take control of my life both physically and mentally so that I am a happy, healthy person by the time I turn 50.  It is interesting that I have forgotten most of these resolutions these past two months save for this one.  I have controlled the mental part well, but the physical side of things seems to be going downhill.  I suppose that means I should give myself half in the points department.  Score:  5
  2. To treat my blogging as a job so that I am writing more than the previous year.  As we all know, this resolution has not been kept.  Score:  0
  3. To purchase a new wardrobe and get rid of items that I have held on to for way too many years.  I'm not sure that this resolution is one that can be done in little spurts unless I throw out something each month.  Which is an easy solution now that I think about it.  My thinking in making this resolution was that I would drop tons of weight, buff up, and have to buy all new fitting clothes.  But that it wouldn't happen until the end of the year.  That being said, I have become quite depressed with my wardrobe and have thought daily about changing parts of it.  That should count for something. Score:  3
  4. To assist in the college process as needed.  Oh, yes.  This one has been done in spades.  Madison is registered on sites.  We have toured two three colleges.  She is signed up for the ACT and the SAT.  Bam!  Score:  10
  5. To seriously change my language so that the "naughty" words are used less.  Yes, this is one I've worked on for years, but if I'm going to take control this one should be controlled as well. Hmmm....I can honestly say that I had no memory of making this resolution.  Despite that fact, I can also say that since Darcy has acquired a "boyfriend" who is, in Darcy's words, "A good Christian boy", I have toned down the language.  In fact the only time that my language got a tad "naughty" was when I was with my niece in IN, which I found weird since she hates it when I talk like that.  That should probably be dealt with in therapy if I ever go back.  Score:  7
Total (out of 50):  25 Hey, half the points this early in the game? Go Cara! Go Cara!

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