Thursday, April 03, 2014

Trying something new for the blog

I have written before about my inability to cook well. I blame some of it on my mother who had no patience with my wanting to measure and follow recipes to a tee method, and some of it on my Home Economics teacher who taught me that very method. Through the years I have learned some skills and I have recipes that I'm famous for, like my caesar salad. But for the most part I am not a chef. If I ever had the chance to do over some of my life I shall work harder at having a more lucrative career so that I can afford a personal chef.

In the meantime I limp along with the tried and true recipes I have and frantically peruse the Internet for new ideas. Every Thursday in our local paper we have a Taste section that has different articles on different recipes, foods, wines, etc. There is a section that tells me what produce is in abundance at this time of the year and a section that lists a weeks worth of meal ideas. There is usually a main article with follow up recipes on that topic and now there is a new section called the Cook Club that gives a weekly recipe that you can follow and then Tweet or Instagram about. I actually made one of those recipes and put it on both social media outlets getting several re-tweets and a shout out from the paper for doing so.

My problem, however, is finding recipes that don't have some strange ingredient in it. I hate getting excited about a recipe only to find it needs something in it that I have never heard of before. Immediately, along with recipes that include items I hate, I chuck the recipe out the window and move on.  This week in our Taste section I found several items that I thought tasty.  Two were from a local woman who eats healthy and is a runner, two things I do neither of but was willing to overlook. For lunch she likes to make a kale salad with a pumpkin smoothie. The picture of it looked delicious and so I moved to read the recipes. The kale salad called for odd ingredients like "hemp, flax or avocado" oil but also said I could use extra-virgin olive oil which I do use so I ignored the weird oils. Next came pure maple syrup which I considered a waste of a purchase because my kids would not eat that and whatever I didn't use would go to waste and pure maple syrup isn't cheap. But I figured I could eat at Cracker Barrel and bring home the little bottle of pure syrup I get with my order of blackberry pancakes. Next came an English cucumber. What the hell is that? No biggie, I would use the kind of cucumber I'm familiar with, and I would ignore the next ingredient of hemp seeds which was optional. Sounded okay and somewhat doable despite the handful of pomegranate seeds. The Creamy Pumpkin Smoothie, on the other hand, had ingredients like rolled oats, chia seeds, blackstrap molasses and coconut whipped cream, which turned out to be another recipe I would have to make that called for scraped vanilla bean.  Huh? Who has that crap in their kitchen? Not me.

I chucked those recipes out the window and moved down the page to a beautiful picture of a lemon breakfast bun, an Easter twist to the cinnamon roll.  Hmmm...this was right up my non healthy, no running lifestyle. I checked out the recipe which included sugar, check, zest of lemon, check, loaves of bread dough, check, lemon juice, check, and lemon curd.  What?  Lemon curd? Immediately, I chucked the recipe out the window. Where would I even find that in the grocery store?

But then I got to thinking that maybe I should at least attempt to try something new each week from this section of the paper and blog about it. Step out of my comfort zone. Get to know my grocer better. So I kept the recipe and looked up lemon curd on the Internet. Apparently it is something you make, of course, and it can be made ahead of time. The recipe in the paper, however, called for ready made lemon curd so I have added that to my shopping list and will attempt to find it in the grocery.  Because Easter is coming and because lemons are available right now and because why not start out with a hard recipe that calls for rolling bread dough into a shape?  Stay tuned!

Sticky Lemony Breakfast Buns

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