Thursday, June 05, 2014

Out of the mouths of my babes

Today is officially our first day of summer. School is out. Of course, for my kids, school was done last week despite the extra three days tacked on by the school board. I told my girls they had to go because I was told by the administration that missing those three days would be unexcused. WHAT? My Connie-ism kicked in. Darcy arranged to have her friends and boyfriend throw a party for her on Monday, and although they grumbled about going to school, they all went. Maddy managed to avoid going by wearing me down with her "lawyer" arguments and points, much to Darcy's dismay.

Darcy: "You couldn't have started the trial earlier, Maddy, before I arranged a party? Jeez, thanks."

On Tuesday both kids went in later with me. I had a booster organization board meeting. Darcy had to meet with one of her teachers regarding a paper and the grading scale. (See? Turns out mom was right about going to school as she went from a B to an A on her paper and thus in the class) Madison had labs she had to complete and a CAS meeting. Wednesday Darcy skipped and Madison went only to drop off a paper. Today we are done.

I celebrated by waking up the girls at 10:00. I told them that they needed to be up by this time during the week and that their beds needed to be made, teeth brushed, and breakfast eaten. I also informed them that if they wanted me to drive them to various fun activities that I would require some housework in exchange. I clapped my hands for emphasis and said, "Chop! Chop! Summer is here."

Darcy: (hiding under the covers) "I don't like this summer mom!"

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