Thursday, July 03, 2014

6 month 2014 resolution check

  1. To take control of my life both physically and mentally so that I am a happy, healthy person by the time I turn 50.  I have started working out at the gym, joined the YMCA where I've taken yoga classes, an ab class, and swam laps. I have started water aerobics in my own pool daily. I have certainly worked on the physical aspect of this resolution. I have tried to start eating more fruits and vegetables. I have not lost weight, but I don't think that was necessarily the goal here. Mentally, my attitude has taken a turn for the better, I think.  Score:  8
  2. To treat my blogging as a job so that I am writing more than the previous year.  Hmm..I would say so far this one hasn't been worked out as much. I think about it so I think that counts at least for a 1.  Score:  1
  3. To purchase a new wardrobe and get rid of items that I have held on to for way too many years.  I have done this one. I decided at the start of summer that I needed to toss out items and replace them and I did. I have new shirts, some new shorts, and two new bathing suits. I also am wearing two pairs of shoes that belonged to my mother that were purchased by me for her so that counts. One pair was never worn and the other pair was only worn once or twice, and of course, only on one foot. Score:  10
  4. To assist in the college process as needed.  I like how I added "as needed". The one thing I've learned is that I can't hover, no matter how much I would like to. The more I push the more she retreats. I pile up the catalogs and hand them to her each day. I forwarded on emails on scholarships. I saw to it that she and her father got to North Carolina for college tours. I think this one can be considered done. Score:  10
  5. To seriously change my language so that the "naughty" words are used less.  Yes, this is one I've worked on for years, but if I'm going to take control this one should be controlled as well. I think that I am still good on this one. Only when I'm around certain people do I really curse so I'm going to have to work on that a bit more.  Score:  7
Total (out of 50):  36 Better than half. I'll take it.

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