Friday, September 05, 2014

8 month resolution check 2014

I have actually thought about these resolutions the past month. I have thought about how I need to work on them. Then things in life happened pushing me back, causing me to stumble. The thing I have to work on is pushing back.
  1. To take control of my life both physically and mentally so that I am a happy, healthy person by the time I turn 50. The first week of school I was all over the exercising. I was a crazy exerciser with gym workouts and swimming, hitting three different facilities. Since then, well... I am going to say though that I took care of some physical ailments. I made a doctor's appointment, went, scheduled tests, etc. That counts for something, I think.  Score:  5
  2. To treat my blogging as a job so that I am writing more than the previous year.  Just when I think I have this one under control it gets away from me. Perhaps the start of football will push me more. Score:  5
  3. To purchase a new wardrobe and get rid of items that I have held on to for way too many years.  This one I have worked on. I purchased some new shirts recently. Actually decided that was what I needed, went to the mall, bought three shirts at the first store, and left. No wandering. No Starbucks. Went in and completed the mission. Oh, yeah! Score:  10
  4. To assist in the college process as needed.  This is the one I think about daily. Now in reading back over this I see the words "as needed". That was a smart addition on my part. One of her teachers has stepped up to the plate and started spending one class period on the college admission process. Madison has actually worked on this. I have assisted...when needed. Score:  10
  5. To seriously change my language so that the "naughty" words are used less.  Yes, this is one I've worked on for years, but if I'm going to take control this one should be controlled as well. This is the other resolution I think about. Mostly when the naughty language surfaces. Still, I feel I'm much better in this department. Well, maybe...  Score:  6
Total (out of 50):  36 - I think the fact that I'm still working on these resolutions counts for something, right?

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