Sunday, September 28, 2014

NFL 2014 picks - Week #4

Last Week - 12-4
Overall - 27-21

Washington over Giants - Whatever. I thought I knew both teams. Guess I didn't.

Chicago over Green Bay - I haven't seen the Bears play yet this year, but they are at home and the Packers can't seem to pull out a game. This is a toss up.

Indianapolis over Tennessee - Andrew Luck is finding his groove now. Plus going up against mediocre teams helps too.

Miami over Oakland - Another game I could care less about.

Detroit over Jets - If the Lions can play like I saw them play then they will win. The problem is that they sometimes nap on Sundays.

Pittsburgh over Tampa - I hope that the Steelers don't come in to this game thinking it is a no brainer because that is when the trouble starts. And seriously, we should smoke these guys. Did you see them last week? They won't be as bad as that and they have something to prove, but the Steelers are a much better team.

Baltimore over Carolina - Panther's Cam Newton is aching. The Ravens are pretending their club isn't in disarray. The Ravens are at home.

Buffalo over Houston - My wildcard win pick. I like what I see from these Bills. 

San Diego over Jacksonville - Phillip Rivers in the house!

Atlanta over Minnesota - Unlike the Ravens, the Vikings can't shake off their loss of Adrian Peterson. The Falcons meanwhile are on a roll.

Philadelphia over San Francisco - I think now that I've locked in my pick that I should have gone the other way. I know the 49ers are struggling 

Dallas over New Orleans - Here is another one that I'm second guessing. Maybe Tony Romo comes to play. Maybe Dallas protects him. And...maybe not.

New England over Kansas City - Both Kansas City. Poor Andy Reid. Yeah, I don't see them pulling off a Monday night win over the man.

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