Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Throwback vs Now

At Darcy's Regional swim meet a week ago I waited for her afterwards outside the venue. It is on the water south of us and I sat on a bench and had some time to reflect on life. As I sat there looking around I suddenly remembered that I had been here once before with Darcy while Tom was swimming at the pool.

I don't remember why we were with him or why we didn't swim (although it looked a tad chilly in these photos), but Darcy and I hung out by the water. I sat on a bench and she ran and played. There was a jungle set up of three sizes of bars on the beach and Darcy spent a lot of time climbing and swinging from these bars, trying to work her way up to the highest one.

The same jungle set was still there, just down the way from my bench seat. So when Darcy finally met up with me to head home I made her go out and recreate that scene for me so I could take her picture again.

Me: "Please. Please, oh, please?"

And so she humored her mother. And once she got going she found she could still climb and swing. Although the high bar was no longer high.

Darcy: "I remember this being taller."


Sigh. It was. A long time ago.

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