Monday, January 19, 2015

NFL Monday playoff recap

Superior and not so superior - What an unbelievable game between the Seahawks and the Packers. It was the kind of Championship game that dreams are made of and social media and football fans were going nuts. The game goes down to the wire, then is tied, and goes into overtime. Awesome stuff. And then we had the second game. Snore. 45 - 7. Were the Colts even awake?

Russell Wilson - In his rookie season in 2012 I called for him to be the Rookie of the Year. The NFL didn't agree with me, but I'm feeling vindicated now. Four interceptions and he didn't let it get into his head. He made his team believe, pulled them from behind, and led them to the Super Bowl. Phenomenal.

Aaron Rogers - If you ask me, Rogers looked ninety percent better on that bum leg then he did the previous week. He looked so good to me moving in the pocket that I kind of wondered if he even had an injury.

Andrew Luck - I'm thinking that next year Luck needs to lose the beard because not only does it NOT help his looks any it isn't helping his playing either. He is 0 - 4 against the Patriots and was certainly not up to par playing them yesterday. I blame the beard. And the receivers who kept dropping passes. And the defense who couldn't stop Brady and company. And Jim Irsay because I don't like him. But mostly I blame the beard.

Analysts - I've decided I should be in the booth with these guys because I seem to see plays a lot clearer. Last week's Dez Bryant fiasco? I called that a no catch and was a hero among my Packer friends when it was overturned. How many times have I seen the Steelers catches called back for any sort of wobbling of the ball? Bottom line in the NFL is you must have control of the ball on the field whether you are standing or lying tangled on the ground. Only exception is crossing the goal line and then all bets are off if you touch that pylon. The oddest thing ever, but I'm getting off topic. Yesterday the analysts on both channels kept calling touchdowns and catches that weren't either. I think they get way too excited and then have to take it all back upon further review. If I were there in the booth, with my $5,000 eyes, I could calm them down with the truth before they had to apologize.

Leaving early - As a Hoosier who attended more basketball games than I can count, one rule we had was that you didn't leave the game early. No matter what. Yesterday hundreds of Seahawk fans flocked to the exit in the fourth quarter to escape the rain and cold and what they thought was a losing game. Oops.

Fox crew - I love them. They're the best. Hands down in my opinion. I will miss them.

Seahawks - I'm pulling for them. I don't want a team that cheated a few years back and who rewarded a player who whined about his playing time to get the big trophy. Go Russell Wilson! Go Richard Sherman! Go Seattle!

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