Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesdays Wonderings

Things I have looked up for knowledge, curiosity, or fun.
  1. Warms the cockles of your heart - I used this expression to my husband who then wondered aloud what that even meant. I pulled out the phone and found that most likely it came from the middle of the seventeenth century. Cockles are a type of bivalue mollusk and they were once a staple part of the diet for British folks. They are heart shaped with ribbed shells and perhaps because of this reminded people of the ventricles of the heart? No one really knows.
  2. The meaning of the word obdurate - I read this on social media and had no clue what it meant. It means stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
  3. Myakka State Park - I had relatives staying in The Condo the last two weeks and they visited this park just south of us. I had never heard of it and they loved it so I researched it. As soon as the weather warms we are heading down!
  4. Teas that Melt Fat - Another thing I read on social media and then googled it again when I was out shopping and happened upon the tea aisle. What I also found was that these same teas are also helpful in weight loss. White tea, Barberry tea, Pu-erh tea, Oolong tea, and Rooibos tea. Hmmm... I didn't find any of these in Target and promptly forgot about them when I went to the grocery. Maybe some day.
  5. Butter in coffee - My SIL wrote a post recently about this and I thought, "What? Butter in my coffee?" I had to research it. Apparently, it is a new trend instead of cream and sugar, but you can't just add any butter. It has to be grass-fed butter. Frankly, the entire thought of doing this made me upchuck my coffee.
  6. How to watch Amazon prime - My husband signed us up for Amazon prime which I have to admit has been worthwhile (yes, Jay, I know you told me this years ago, but you know T-O-M). Suddenly one night while the kids were out and the hubby was working on my computer I realized that I could watch the new Harry Bosch series (I am a huge fan of the books) with my prime membership. However, after watching the first episode it wouldn't let me watch #2. Turns out even though I was linked to my hubby's prime it didn't allow me to link for TV viewing. Or at least I never figured out how in my searching.

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