Monday, March 23, 2015

Happy Monday

My goodness how time flies! Last Monday we had a day off from school. Madison and Darcy think that the days we have off, lately one a month since January, are due to the fact that we don't have snow days and thus the powers that be try to give us an equivalent. I think they do it because the end is nearing, and testing is happening, and the panic is setting in so let's have a teacher day. Either way we love it.

We spent our day shopping. While the outside world revolved so too did our inside world. Darcy has suddenly become the school traveler. First, she and her good friend Sarina got a superior award at the district competition in Theater sending them our of town to the state competition next week. Then by some fluke, and I say that because these two were not even planning on entering this competition they just wanted a decent grade, Darcy and another classmate won first place in the county competition of National History Day. This requires another trip out of town to the capitol to compete for the state competition. All of this meant Darcy needed to shop. Madison came along for the ride.

The best bargain came from Darcy. She found a dress that was originally $50. The price tag had marks all over it and while she was modeling it for me she saw a price checker. Turns out the dress was on sale for $10.63. Then when I added the coupon I had cut out of the paper the night before it came to $8.51. Bam! The most expensive? Madison's prom dress.

Tom Texting: "$124 at Windsor?????"

Me Texting: "Maddy's prom dress."

Tom Texting: "Oh. Sigh."

Happy Monday!

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