Monday, March 02, 2015

Two month 2015 resolution check

  1. To try something new (whether it be food, an activity, a class, etc.) every two months.- I have done this. In the course of my job as a personal representative I have worked on taxes, visited with a financial planner, had dealings with lawyers, and kept records for the courts. These are all things that I have not done before, and I have learned quite a few things over the course of the last two months. Score: 10
  2. To not be so defensive, and to not erupt with anger (yelling) when cornered.  - Hmmmm...I can honestly say that I forgot about this one. When I read it I thought, "I don't do that." But after sitting and re-reading it a couple of times I realize of course I do this, but I don't think I have done so as much as I might have done two months ago. Probably more so with the hubby than with the kids. Does that count? Score: 5
  3. To utilize those damn Wyndham points whether selling points or vacationing myself.  - Yes! I have figured out (with the hubby's help) how much our points are worth and how much we need to stay afloat. My brother has left the job up to me and with my SIL's help we have already sold two vacations to relatives. Now we have to put it out there to friends too. Anybody reading this blog need a vacation? Contact me! We offer great deals on 2 and 3 bedroom units at great resorts!! Score: 10
  4. To lose the weight I put on last year and to get into shape for Europe.  - Uh, NO. Haven't done this. I'm the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Ever. Yet, with the back issues and my love for fat foods, sugary foods, salty foods, rum, and minimal exercise this one has not happened. Score: 0
  5. I suppose I should work on the language thing again since it seems to bother others. Hmmm...maybe I should voice it as working on the language thing because it isn't necessary as often as I use it. Yes, I like that. - Well, hmmmm...For awhile there I was good. I was working hard at it, but seriously, hanging out with my potty mouth friend once a week has been my downfall. First, I tried really hard to change her. Then when I realized that wasn't going to happen I tried to change myself. It hasn't been easy. Score: 3
  6. I also like changing up my wardrobe too. My closet is full of stuff I don't wear but once or twice a year and frankly, I'm bored with it all. But the weight has to come off and the body buffed before I can do that so maybe that should be next year's resolution. Hmmmm.... This is a hard one because I have to lose weight. I just went out and tried on clothes recently, even bathing suits, and ugh! I think since the year began I have purchased some shoes and some underwear so I think that should count. But this one is sort of an extra resolution in the scoring department. Like a bonus or an extra credit. Score: 2
Total Score: 28 out of 50 (with 2 bonus points) - Hey, it's a start. 

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