Friday, July 17, 2015

Wrapping up England

What was your favorite thing about England?

Tom - Sitting in the park at Westminster Abbey  
Mary Anne - Seeing the queen
Maddy - So many different things to do and see
Darcy - I liked the leisure pace we had in England, and I liked the people. 
Cara - Finally seeing so many of the places I have read about and have seen in pictures and on television. Living a dream. 

What didn't you like?
Tom - The crowds and all the people in London.
Mary Anne - It's too crowded. 
Darcy - The tube system being shut down in London even though I support their right to strike. 
Cara - Not getting to Wimbledon. 
Maddy - It was hard to get around and there were people everywhere. 

What did you find different from the states?

Tom - The cab Drivers were great in England. That isn't the case in the states. 
Mary Anne - England was more congested, smaller country. The food was different. The people were also skinnier. I didn't see too many large people.
Darcy - Judging on the places we went I found them very similar. New York City to London. The Lake District to Florida beaches. I found their candy different. Very wrong.
Cara - The tourist business owners and workers were helpful and friendly as if they really like their jobs. I'm not so sure that industry in the states is as jolly. People seem less tense in England, but maybe that is because I was less tense.
Maddy - Everyone dressed a lot nicer. 

Favorite tour stop?

Tom - The Lake District
Mary Anne - Dove Cottage
Darcy - Kings Cross
Cara - Westminster Abbey
Madison - The British Museum

England in three words:

Tom - Queen's castle ransom
Cara - Saw the Queen!
Mary Anne - Uninteresting, beauty, people
Maddy - Busy, posh, exhausting

Funniest happening?

Tom - The History Boys show was hilarious. 
Mary Anne - Coming to the hotel in Windsor and not having a place to sleep. Although it wasn't funny at the time.
Darcy - When we were in the Lake District at the hotel and the guy bringing our ice knocked on the door and I thought it was Grandma and told him the door was open. 
Cara - Standing in front of Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard. I told Mary Anne I wanted to stay after everyone left so I then could go up closer to the castle and see the queen. Mary Anne asked if I had called her and I responded with, "Oh, she knows I'm here." About one minute after I said that the doors opened and out popped the queen. 
Maddy - When we called for ice and Darcy screamed at the guy to come in. 

Difference between England and Scotland?

Tom - "I'm trying to get us to the airport. I have to concentrate."
Mary Anne - The scenery and people are so different. The Scottish hotel people knew what they were doing. Not so in England.
Darcy -
Cara - England had signs! Signs on the road. Advertising signs. Signs in the bathrooms. Very much like the USA. England was also way dirtier than Scotland.
Maddy - England was busier. 

Extra comments (England) 

Mary Anne - I was surprised at the Lake District. I didn't know England had that kind of beauty.
Cara - I was not prepared for how much it was like our country. I had a different view of England and it was not at all what I thought. 
Madison - I liked seeing things my friends from England have talked about.
Cara- Not a lot of asking of we were tax free so we could get our money back
Mary Anne - I enjoyed going to Harrods and seeing the princess Diana memorial they had set up. 
Cara - I was impressed with Madison hailing our cabs for us.  
Mary Anne - They drink too much tea. 


  1. WOW!!!What a trip. Thank you so much for sharing your blog. Now I would love to go see these places. It sounds like a fabulous time. What great memories you all will have forever. Tell Madison, it sounds like she chose wisely. You all must feel very blessed to have been able to take such a wonderful vacation. Again, thanks for sharing:)

  2. WOW What a great trip. Thank you so much for sharing your vacation and blogging it. I would love to visit these places now. It sounds like it was fabulous. I'm sure you all feel very blessed to have been able to go to such wonderful places. Tell Madison, she chose well. And if Grandma is feeling generous, Tyler graduates next year. We will adopt her:) Thanks again for sharing such beautiful places and memories. It was great reading about it!!!

  3. Thanks Michelle! It was a fabulous trip. I'll let Grandma know she has adoption possibilities!
