Friday, August 28, 2015

National Dog Day

All this week every dog owner has been posting pictures and words of love for his/her hound to celebrate National Dog Day. I didn't even know there was such a day, but then again I didn't know about Neither Rain nor Snow Day, Step family Day, or Citizenship Day all holidays coming up next month. National Dog Day was started by a woman to honor dogs and to rescue them from homelessness and abuse. Apparently she also started several other "Days" including National Cat Day, National Mutt Day, and National Puppy Day. She clearly has a lot of time on her paws hands.

In investigating this day I also found that while it has been celebrated nationally on August 26th for the past eleven years it is now going to be celebrated on August 31st due to a conflict with Women's Equality Day. I found that info here. So all of those people on social media have obviously not gotten the memo, but I suppose it is the thought that counts.

Ironically on August 25th the Pittsburgh Steelers, my beloved NFL football team for those that might just be stumbling on this post, signed Michael Vick as their back up quarterback. Vick was convicted on felony charges in 2007 for running a dog fighting ring on his property that resulted in the mistreatment and death of under performing dogs. That has not made many fans happy especially considering the timing of National Dog Day and now social media is blowing up with this news.

First of all, I want to say that I use to not be much of a dog person. I use to be afraid of them when I was little probably due to the mean let-me-rip-your-face-off dog that lived with my aunt on her farm. His name was Kojak and he seriously had no interest in little children except as a meal. Somewhere down the years I got over that fright and enjoyed dogs. That changed to indifference as I got older. They were smelly. They smelled up the house. They jumped on me. I use to pet dogs, but then immediately wash my hands afterwards. Then we got a dog. I have written about this before, but since then I am a dog lover. Every dog I see I pet or exclaim loudly my love of dogs. I find them to have many wonderful traits, and I can communicate with most of them.

Secondly, I did not post my dog's photo on Facebook because he is already my profile picture (And I hadn't a clue about National Dog Day) so I'll post him here now, although the true holiday is now on the 31st.

Lastly, I am not one of those people who are in an uproar over Michael Vick's signing with the Pittsburgh Steelers. I wasn't on the jury. He paid for his crime and served 21 months in prison. He lost his money and his endorsements. He apologized for his crimes and has done a fine job of getting his life back together again. Frankly, the NFL has a lot more to worry about than Michael Vick and his past crimes. And I wonder how do these people who are so outraged about this signing feel about our current quarterback? Have they forgiven him for his alleged crimes against women? Did they even care about that? I mean, really.

Happy National Dog Day. Now on August 31st. 

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