Friday, August 07, 2015

Resolution check

I have not checked in on my resolutions on this blog or in my life since the two month check at the beginning of March. I was thinking of Christmas recently and that led to my resolutions, and I realized I didn't even remember them. That has never happened. So I'm checking in to reacquaint myself and to see if I unknowingly kept any.
  1. To try something new (whether it be food, an activity, a class, etc.) every two months.- Okay, this is a good one and something that I unknowingly kept. In May I spent a month proctoring IB exams. I took training, worked hand in hand with the coordinator, scheduled proctors, and proctored. Score. And, oh, yes, I will certainly count my trip to the UK as something new two months later! Score: 10
  2. To not be so defensive, and to not erupt with anger (yelling) when cornered.  - Well, now isn't this interesting. I've been working on this with my friend because she is a HUGE yeller, although maybe not defensive, and together (reluctantly on her part) we have tried to zen. I think in looking back over the past four months that I have certainly done this despite all the things that have happened that might have been triggers. Score: 8
  3. To utilize those damn Wyndham points whether selling points or vacationing myself.  - Uh, well, uh, no. I did well in the beginning, I have had people interested, but it hasn't panned out. Summer is a hard time if you don't book ahead. That's a hard one to score.  Score: 3
  4. To lose the weight I put on last year and to get into shape for Europe.  - Oh, how I wished this were true. I wonder if I can ditch it now that my Europe trip is over. Snicker. Snicker. Score: 0
  5. I suppose I should work on the language thing again since it seems to bother others. Hmmm...maybe I should voice it as working on the language thing because it isn't necessary as often as I use it. Yes, I like that. - I have done well with this one, thank you kindly. That is another thing I'm working on with my friend so I have to do it too when around her. And being with my MIL in the UK also cleaned up my act. Yep, this one I've done well. Score: 8
  6. I also like changing up my wardrobe too. My closet is full of stuff I don't wear but once or twice a year and frankly, I'm bored with it all. But the weight has to come off and the body buffed before I can do that so maybe that should be next year's resolution. Hmmmm.... Ha! Ha! Yay! Yes! I have done this!! I bought new clothes for the UK trip and I recently bought more for summer despite no weight loss.  Score: 10
Total Score: 39 out of 50 (with 2 bonus points) - OMG! Maybe I should have ignored these suckers long ago! I'm really proud now. No wonder I like checking in on these resolutions. Okay, now I have some work to do on a couple issues, but so far not too shabby. Anyone want to take a trip in the US? I can offer you a stay at a nice resort for a good price?

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