Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday NFL recap - week #2

I got to see several different games yesterday since I was at my buddy's house for Steelers Sunday. He pays the big bucks for the football package, and for in exchange for some grub, I get to reap the rewards with him. I also will say that I KICKED BUTT IN FANTASY FOOTBALL too. Not so much in my picks, however...

  • Penalties - For the first ten minutes I thought the Steelers were going to rack up 100 10 penalties before they could even get to their own end of the field. After the first possession as Captain Ben Roethlisberger ran off the field, I piped up and told him he needed to get on the sideline and get his men in order. He must have heard me. Or maybe the men heard me. Either way they pulled it together and kicked it all into high gear. 
  • Defense - Where were these guys last week? Either they were asleep against the Patriots or they learned from their experience, but the defense this week was on fire. They had five sacks and had 49er's quarterback Colin Kaepernick so discombobulated he didn't know which way to turn, or throw, or run. 
  • Ryan Shazier - The Steelers linebacker was a beast yesterday involved in almost every play racking up 15 tackles and looking like Troy Polamalu. The downside? He was injured in the fourth quarter with a hit to the shoulder.
  • Offense - Big Ben and company were determined to prove what everyone had been saying about them before the season started and they delivered. Ben tied Bradshaw's career wins record (107), throwing 369 yards, 21-27 and three touchdowns. Wide receiver Antonio Brown continued his streak of games with over 50 yards snatching nine passes for 195 yards and scoring two touchdowns. Tight end Heath Miller got in on the action with a touchdown as did several other players. The two suspended players had better straighten themselves out if they want their jobs back.
  • Going for two - This year the league backed up the PAT line because too many kickers were making the extra point. (Insert emoticon rollings its eyes) Now kickers have to score from the 15 yard line instead of the 2 yard line. The rule change had the big wigs hoping that more teams might take more chances with the two point conversion and the Steelers didn't disappoint. They became the first team in 17 years to convert the two points in the first quarter. Then for fun they did it again after scoring on their next possession.
  • D'Angelo Williams - The back up running back, main man for the past two weeks while Le'Veon Bell sat out for smoking weed violating the league's drug policy, followed up his great performance last week with another one this week barreling his way through defenders for 77 yards and three touchdowns.
  • Fox at the Emmy's - Whose bright idea was it for these guys to host their post game sports show on the television awards red carpet? Some of us don't have access to every game and depend on these guys to shoot us the highlights and give us the scoop. I could barely hear the guys at the desk over all the fans screaming at stars to turn around for pictures. Micheal Strahan and Terry Bradshaw were at least far removed from the fans, but having them interview television stars? Uh, Michael does that for his other show. That isn't sports related.
  • Rob Lowe - But that being said I enjoyed how excited Rob Lowe was to be at the desk with Curt Menefee, Howie Long, and Jimmy Johnson. At least he could converse football.
  • Interviewing - Dallas' quarterback Tony Romo spoke with Fox's Erin Andrews after Dallas beat the Eagles in Philadelphia and after he found out his collarbone was fractured. Curt Menefee mentioned twice how great it was that Romo took the time to speak with Andrews, but really? I'm tired of coddling these guys. Interviewing is part of the job. I'm sorry that your team lost and you sucked and you don't want to talk about it, but guess what? The rest of us want to hear from you. Your fans want to know what went wrong and that you're going to be back at work tomorrow working on it. I'm sorry you broke a bone and might miss the rest of the season or a few weeks or that you're going to play through the pain. Your haters want to gloat. The interviewers have a job just like you and that's to ask questions. Your job requires that you do an interview so STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE SO PUT OUT AT HAVING TO DO THIS. Be civil, kind, and answer the darn questions without attitude.
  • Crazy Penalties - There were so many idiots shoving defenders in front of refs yesterday after plays were made that it looked like a school playground. The Dolphins even did it more than once, not learning the first time. Every time they made a great play stopping the Jaguars on third down some defensive dolphin literally pushed, shoved, or stepped on the Jags offense giving them another first down and chance to score. So they did. And won. You play in the big leagues now guys. Control your tempers and stop this nonsense.
  • Cowboys - Tony Romo is out with a broken clavicle. Dez Bryant is out with a broken bone in his foot. They are undefeated after two weeks, but can they keep that up without these two leaders? Can, uh, jeez, who is their back up quarterback? Might give ole Tim Tebow a call.
  • Eagles - Or maybe the Eagles might rethink their decision to let Tebow go. Quarterback Sam Bradford had trouble finding receivers, trouble throwing decent balls for said receivers to catch, and trouble with turnovers. 
  • Winless - The Ravens haven't won yet? WHAT? They got beat by the Raiders? WHAT? The Seahawks haven't won yet either? WHAT? This season of NFL is starting off to be cra-cra. That being said, it is only week two. The sports guys have got to settle down on their picking of teams to win and settle down on scaring fans with their this-team-is-heading-for-disaster-talk. Anything can happen guys. Anything.

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