Sunday, September 13, 2015

NFL Football picks - Week #1

Week one is hard in picking winners and losers. I'm not a big preseason watcher so I'm usually going blind here except for my vast knowledge of all football. So here goes:

Pittsburgh over New England - Okay, let me just start out (for new readers) by saying that I never hardly ever go against my boys. I have faith. Especially on Sundays at 1:00 pm which is when we play our best. I should have remembered that rule when I picked this game.

Indianapolis over Buffalo - Andrew Luck against uh, who? Have they made that decision yet?

Green Bay over Chicago - This game is always a doozy, and while it is in Chicago I went with the stronger quarterback.

Seattle over St. Louis - I read a really great article concerning the Seahawks and how they train. Everyone seems happy there, well, except for Kam Chancellor, and feel they are treated as men with a job to do. The scuttle butt is this team can do it again. Not so much news from St. Louis.

Cleveland over NY Jets - The Browns almost pulled themselves up by the boot straps last year so maybe they can again this year. The Jets always seem to have issues and so far this preseason hasn't been any different.

Miami over Washington - My nephew says the Dolphins look good and he predicted they would finish high. My nephew isn't my go to guy, but with the Redskins coach Jay Gruden mouthing off about players and players having issues with Gruden the future in Washington looks tainted.

Carolina over Jacksonville - This is the one I think I missed on in looking back over the list. Maybe I went with North Carolina because I'm biased. Who knows. Quarterback Cam Newton is and can be the bomb on days. Maybe he will be again today.

Houston over Kansas City - Not much intel for me on this one. Just pulled it out.

New Orleans over Arizona - Maybe I'm just pulling for the old guys this year, but the Saints need some redemption.

San Diego over Detroit - It's in San Diego and Phillip Rivers just got that big payday. Plus, I drafted him for my fantasy team.

Denver over Baltimore - I hate the Ravens. And it's in Denver. So I'm hoping the Ravens defense has high altitude sickness. Or whatever. And I'm hoping Peyton Manning got fired up after the release of Tom Brady's texts about him, although that isn't Manning's way. Or is it?

Cincinnati over Oakland - Uh, who? Do the Raiders really still exist?

Tampa Bay over Tennessee - Well, I'm going with the rookie here thinking maybe he does something besides screw up in life. Plus, if he doesn't Lovie Smith might just lose another job.

Dallas over NY Giants - Like the Bears and Packers, these two teams have a rivalry that is strong. I know Eli inked that 80+ million deal this week, but it is in Dallas' palace stadium so I went with the Cowboys.

Philadelphia over Atlanta - Sadly, no Tebow, but no return specialist Devin Hester either for the Falcons.

Minnesota over San Francisco - With the return of Adrian Peterson and the scooping up of Mike Wallace, I'm thinking this team might just be the sleeper team to watch out for.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Wow, your nephew must be a pretty smart guy picking the Dolphins. They do look pretty good ;)
