Saturday, September 26, 2015

NFL picks - week #3

Last Week - 5-11
Overall - 13-20

Yee-Gads! I have never started out this bad in my picks. I've never had more losses than wins. I blame this fantasy thing. Which I kicked butt in last week and was the overall winner in my league! But....gotta put more effort into these picks to recoup my score.

Giants over Redskins - Nice to start with a win for a change!

Cleveland over Oakland - Yes, the Raiders did well last week (thanks guys!) against the Ravens, but so did Cleveland.

Atlanta over Dallas - Dallas has a back-up quarterback without much piazza starting and Atlanta has Matt Ryan. Can the Falcons pull out the win in the stadium that Jerry built? I think so?

Tennessee over Indianapolis  - (Grimace) My thought on this one was that at some points the Colts have got to win, right? But then the Titans are at home and they didn't play so well last week and so I changed my mind and now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have. Should be a good game.

Pittsburgh over St. Louis - I didn't play the Steelers defense last week in my fantasy football and they rocked! This week my one on one fantasy competition has the Rams defense. Dum da dum da dum! But this isn't fantasy. And my defense had better keep up that level of play if they want to continue winning. But Le'Veon Bell is back this week and he has a lot of ground to make-up to prove he is more deserving than his replacement.

San Diego over Minnesota - Philip Rivers is too good. He has got to rally his team behind him or the city just might toss the Chargers out on their ears instead of fighting to keep them in San Diego.

New England over Jacksonville - The Jags looked fresh with their young team last week, but this week they are going up against cheaters experience. Best thing to do is take notes and learn.

Jets over Philadelphia - At some point the Eagles have got to win, but they seem discombobulated right now. Actually they seem like the Jets a year ago and the Jets seem like the Eagles. Whoa! How cra-cra is that?

Carolina over New Orleans - Who doesn't want to see Cam Newton doing some more gymnastic moves into the end zone this week? Now that's a way to fire up your team going into a division match-up.

Baltimore over Cincinnati - Who would have thought the Ravens would be in the bottom of the AFC North? Not I. But then I didn't think Cincinnati would be back on top of the leader board either. This week I just don't see Ravens not getting a win especially while at home. But wouldn't it be something if they didn't?

Tampa Bay over Houston - I know. I'm a sucker for the underdog. And win or lose, Super Bowl rings or not, the Bucs have always been and always will seem to be the underdogs.

Arizona over San Francisco - Terry Bradshaw isn't impressed with the 49ers and so far I'm not either.

Buffalo over Miami - Rex Ryan's anger from last week will push this team to a win this week. Because the Bills don't want that anger to carry over this next week.

Seattle over Chicago - At some point the Seahawks, like the Colts, have to have W in that column, right?

Denver over Detroit - The Broncos have eeked it out the last two weeks, but maybe this week Coach Kubiak realizes Manning is better calling the shots than he is and lets him go wild.

Kansas City over Green Bay - Hey, I didn't say I would get them ALL right this week.

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