Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

When my kids were younger and we walked the neighborhood trick or treating two sets of our neighbors would sit together next door in the driveway with drinks passing out their candy. I can remember telling them that one day I would join them. Three years ago I did. My neighbor, Sid, thought my driveway was bigger and so it became the new Halloween hub. Three sets of neighbors came and a couple of my friends. I made a big crockpot of soup and rum punch and we sat there passing out candy.

Apparently, it is now a tradition. We did it again last year, but I refused to make anything. I told people it wasn't a party and to BYOB. It was a fun night with great conversation and good drink. It lasted long past Halloween for some of us and while we had plenty of candy left over we didn't have any liquor left. This year the only neighbor still left is Sid, who apparently mentioned the tradition to the new neighbors. Our old neighbors from next door are coming back too and suddenly it seems like a party instead of just passing out candy.

Yesterday while working I received a text from my old neighbor, Chuck.

Chuck: "Are we still on for tomorrow night? If so, what time? Are you going to cook? If you are, I don't like fish. Soup is good, but I'll need a sandwich too."

Me: "Yes, we are still on. My god, Sid has told the entire neighborhood I think. What is left of it that is. No, I'm not cooking. I'm dieting and am on Weight Watchers. I'm starving. Fish is good though, and had I thought about cooking I might have made that. Good thing you gave me a heads up. Too hot for soup. I might put out some snacks like veggies and fruit which are zero points. Come to think of it, maybe I'll give that out to the trick or treaters instead of candy. This is BYOB. Bring chairs too. And some spook."

Chuck: "Jesus Christ! Points? Did you use a keyboard to type all of that? I'll bring KFC and sit down wind from you."

Me: "Cruel. I might knock you over and devour the KFC."

Chuck: "Mission accomplished if you do. What time? I'm thinking 3:00 pm so we get the good seats."

Me: "Before dark whatever the hell time that is. I don't know. 6:00? But of course you can come earlier for good seats as long as you bring the seats."

Chuck: "Okay. You're throwing a party. No food. No booze. No seats. You don't know what time it starts and you don't know who is coming. Sounds like fun. Boy, howdy!"

Me: "First of all, this is Sid's party in my driveway. Second of all, I'm serving a rum punch I just now found online because of your whining. Second of all, the last time I made food you and I were the only ones who ate. I'll make some snacks. Come at 6:30."

Chuck: "Well, it seems your diet has made you a little edgy. Why can't you take diet pills like everyone else? And you used "second of all" twice."

Me: "So I did. Oh, my. Lack of food."

Chuck: "I have two for one coupons for Cici's Pizza buffet wanna go? You can go jogging tonight to burn off the calories."

Me: "Gee, you're so supportive. Pizza is too high in points, but thanks for the offer. As for jogging? I only run when someone is chasing me."

Chuck: "I would loooooove to sit and text all day, but I have stuff to do. Julie just wanted to know what time."

Me: "Well, I've got to go to the grocery store now for all the recipes I've found to make food for tomorrow night thanks to you."

Chuck: "Don't do it for me. I'm on a diet too."

Should be a fun evening. Happy Halloween!

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