Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Late NFL recap such as it is

I didn't get to write a Monday NFL recap because I didn't get to see the games. I was on vacation a business trip and the few times that I saw a television the only game available was the Cincinnati game. Thank goodness I wasn't near one for their post game locker room interviews! At some point I got to see an ESPN report that told me Michael Vick was hurt, but the reasoning was sketchy at best and it wasn't until my phone alerted me that I knew we were on our third string quarterback. By the time I left South Carolina in route to taking my daughter back to North Carolina it was after three o'clock. Luckily for me, the rental car had a XM station and I got to joyously listen to the rest of the Steelers game. The rest of the games were on various dials so I was able to listen to the overtime games and the later games. Here are a few of my observations:

Landry Jones - I don't know this guy. I didn't watch preseason. I didn't see him play this week. But he came in under pressure and did what he was suppose to do. He threw some nice passes to Martavis Bryant and got the win. This week he will start against Kansas City. Hey, if you really want to prove something you have got to come off of the bench and show the world what you can do.

Antonio Brown - He told Michael Vick to not be afraid to throw the ball. "Trust me a little bit, let me make some plays and lets get a victory." Everyone in the media went nuts again calling out Brown for rocking the boat. Pfft. I said the same thing to Vick sitting on my couch and yelling at the television. Brown will make the plays. Just get him the damn ball. Not that Brown isn't a bit too cocky. Defenders are studying him make no mistake about that. Eventually he wasn't going to make his over one hundred yardage. Now with Bryant back in the line up this might just free up Brown to get back to doing what he does. Trust me. He likes the spotlight. He wants to be the greatest. He won't like Bryant getting all the press this week. Get him the damn ball!

Defense - Another fine job for the boys in the D. Held the number one team to the fewest points of the season. Considering that these guys are banged up and missing key players, I tip my hat to what they have accomplished so far these last three games.

Uniform Policy - October is breast cancer awareness month and the NFL goes crazy with pink. Pink headsets. Pink socks and shoes. Pink armbands. I mean, how much money is being spent on all of that pink that could be going toward research instead? Then all of this week we have heard about Steelers De'Angelo Williams who has lost his mother and a couple of aunts to breast cancer. Before the season started he contacted the league and asked to be able to wear pink throughout the year instead of just in October. To honor his family members. The NFL, who has a strict uniform policy, turned him down. Instead he dyed his hair pink. Bam! A much bigger statement in my book then a pair of pink shoes. You certainly notice that hair and now that the world knows the reasoning behind it? Priceless. The press, however, went nuts. You would have thought the NFL was a monster after all of the things written. Listen. There are rules. We have written about the NFL and their rules for years and most of the time we are annoyed they aren't following them. Well, now they are. The rule on uniforms is written in black and white for all players, coaches, etc. If the league gives in to one player, then they will have to do it for another. Instead they said no. Williams shrugged and found another way to honor his family. Done.

And then who pops up? Another Steelers player. This time Cameron Heyward who wrote the words "Iron" and "Head" on his eye black that players use to reduce glare from the sun. He did this in honor of his father, former NFL player Craig "Ironhead" Heyward. Sigh. See. Give in to one and then you have to give in to another. The league fined Heyward for disobeying the rules. He paid it and then did it again. He has since met with the league and agreed to follow the rules instead opting for selling the eye black stickers to raise money for the cancer that took his father. I got tired midweek of all of this nonsense regarding uniform policies. In the scheme of things the NFL has WAY more to worry about than honoring deceased family members. Again, I say, follow the damn rules!

Peyton Manning - Wow. The press has seriously written this guy out of the game. Interceptions in every game? He's hurt. He's done. He's washed up. He can't lead. It is a harsh media world when it comes to the NFL. I wouldn't count out Manning just yet. At some point we all go downhill people, and I can't wait to see it happen to all of those naysayers.

Johnny Manziel - Another off the field incident which may or may not involve smacking around a woman. It did involve alcohol, something Manziel certainly should not be around. The NFL will meet with Manziel this week or sometime soon. Maybe he should go into the meeting dressed in pink.

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