Wednesday, November 25, 2015

10 month resolution check

The end is in sight (a year already?)  and I'm already thinking of my next resolutions. I suppose I should stop that and concentrate on this year's. Let's see how I've done.
  1. To try something new (whether it be food, an activity, a class, etc.) every two months.- At first I didn't think I had done anything on this one, but I'm going to count my solo trip to see my daughter in college as something new. I planned the trip, flew alone, rented a car, and traveled to another state. That counts. Score: 5
  2. To not be so defensive, and to not erupt with anger (yelling) when cornered.  - I have turned a corner with this one, I believe. While I'm not perfect I have done very well on this one. Just last night I realized that I was angry and cross when the real reason for being so was hunger and tiredness. I took deep breaths and tried really hard to rein in my yelling. I didn't succeed perfectly, but I did try.  Score: 10
  3. To utilize those damn Wyndham points whether selling points or vacationing myself.  - Haven't sold any recently as people keep leaving it to the last minute, but I did take a trip and so did my brother so points were used. Score: 5
  4. To lose the weight I put on last year and to get into shape for Europe.  - Well, Europe is over, but I have tried to lose the weight. I am on Weight Watchers currently, and while the pounds are not shedding as quickly as I'd like, I am eating healthier and exercising so dammit that counts. Score: 8
  5. I suppose I should work on the language thing again since it seems to bother others. Hmmm...maybe I should voice it as working on the language thing because it isn't necessary as often as I use it. Yes, I like that. - I'm still doing well on this one. I am tutoring an elementary kid and she makes me put money in a jar every time I mess up. I'm only at a dollar. Score: 8
  6. I also like changing up my wardrobe too. My closet is full of stuff I don't wear but once or twice a year and frankly, I'm bored with it all. But the weight has to come off and the body buffed before I can do that so maybe that should be next year's resolution. Hmmmm.... This isn't something that can be done every few months unless I'm rich and I'm not. So this one gets marked off as done.  Score: 10
Total Score: 46 out of 60 - Got to get to work on trying more new things. Maybe Kelly's secret Thanksgiving dish will count this week.

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