Saturday, November 07, 2015

From the archives - Indiana tidbits

You Know You're from Indian IF:
  • You know several people who have hit a deer - My mother hit a deer once. I can remember her running into the house screaming for my father. The deer had run away after she hit it. She wasn't hurt, but her car, a green station wagon, was badly hurt. A few weeks later while I was belly up to the bar in a tavern with a guy from work the bartender told us in a friendly drinking conversation that he tracked hit deer. He then remarked that his best find was "a ten pointer that some old lady in a station wagon hit on such and such road."  That was later turned into "I've gotten a ten pointer." by my mother during hunting conversations with Hoosiers.
  • Down south to you means Kentucky - Yep, I lived at the southern tip of Indiana and Kentucky was just a stone's throw away...down south.
  • You have no problem spelling or pronouncing, Terre Haute - Since both of my parents graduated from ISU I knew that from birth.
  • Your school classes were canceled because of cold - Just ask my SIL.
  • Your school classes were canceled because of heat - One of the reasons why we didn't start school until after Labor Day.
  • You've heard of Euchre, you know how to play Euchre, and you are the master of Euchre - I'm told this is a huge college card game in Indiana now, but back in my day we played every day every summer and even had a tournament at our pool with the winning team getting a special kickboard trophy.
  • You could stack hay, swim in the pond to clean off, and then have the strength to play a couple of games of hoops all in the same barn lot on the same day - Yep. Just a day in the life of an Indiana farmer.
  • You know what mushroom hunting is - I know, I hunted, I cleaned the mushrooms, and I ate them.
  • You know that bailin' wire was the predecessor to duct tape. - I knew because my father had and used both!
  • You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both doors unlocked - It wasn't until I was probably in high school that I remember locking the doors.
  • High school basketball games draw bigger crowds on weekend nights than movie theaters - Uh, yeah.
  • Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow - And no one knows potholes like Hoosiers.
  • The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page, but requires six pages for sports - I worked at the local paper in the sports department and it was the biggest department at the paper.
  • Most can repeat the scores of the last 8 IU games, but unless the VP is a Hoosier, we aren't sure who he is - I'm looking at you Dan Quayle.
  • If you can see at least two basketball hoops from your yard - We had the neighborhood hoop in our driveway, but I could see another across the street from ours.
  • You can name very one of Bob Knight's "exploits" over the last two years - My mother knew them all. 
  • The biggest question of your youth was IU or Purdue? - The answer was always IU in our household.
  • You know of several different definistions as to what a Hoosier really is - Yep.
  • Sometimes you call the toilet the "commode" or the "stool" - My father used both, as well as the "throne". He even once spray painted one of our toilet seats gold to go with that term.

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