Sunday, February 07, 2016

Happy Birthday Shout out #4 - Susan

Happy Birthday Susan

I've birthday shouted to my sister-in-law Susan before. I even did a video for her. Which I will admit that I thought about just re-posting, but every time I see pictures of her from the past I think, "Who is that?" because to be honest she isn't that person anymore. I mean, she is, but she isn't. While she has retained a lot of her old self there is SO much more new self that I find her to be a different person then just the change of her hair texture and length.

It took a long time for me to get to know my SIL, and I've written about our past on here before, but the thing about her is that she doesn't dwell on the past and so in this shout out I'm not either. Because now we are besties and that's all that matters.


This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as Susan's birthday month and it is fitting because she is a breast cancer survivor. She found the lump right before she came to visit us in the summer of 2014. I can remember looking at it, touching it, and thinking it was the oddest shape. I worried about it, but after she went home I just didn't think it would be anything. I was wrong. She had triple negative cancer and had to undergo chemotherapy treatment and she fought the disease as she fought everything else that tried to block her life and bring her down; with strength, faith, and humor.

Now cancer free she approaches life with the same attitude she always had, but with a little more enthusiasm, a little more grace, and a lot more laughter. She can pick me up when I am down, and if I'm being more stubborn then usual she reminds me that she had cancer and I need to suck it up. She doesn't take herself so seriously and she fights harder for things she wants now. She is a great mother, a good neighbor, a wonderful friend, and a patient wife (which she has to be putting up with my brother these past 100 25+ years).

For her birthday this year I wish for her sunshine and some warmth because deep down she is a palm tree loving, flip flop wearing, sunshine soaking, beach going, pool worshiping girl living in the frozen tundra. 

Happy Birthday my dearest sister-in-law and friend.
Sending hugs and kisses your way.
Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an awesome birthday tribute! Thank you for taking the time to blog about my birth and making me feel special! love ya xoxo
