Thursday, March 03, 2016

Happy Birthday Shout Out #8

Today is my little bro's big day. Before he came along I lived the good life with my mom and my dad and my toys that I never had to share.

What? I shouldn't put pictures showing my good life before he came along? Look how cute I was. Look how happy I was. Then March 3rd rolled around in 1968...

I'm not so sure I was all that happy about this new little guy joining our family. Through the years I can honestly say that there were MANY times I wasn't too happy with this little guy. Times like when he was pulling my hair and punching me with his fists. Times like when he would sit on me and hold my hands down and then torture me with his hanging spit. Times like when he would yell at me, hide my things, destroy my things, yell at me, pee in my closet, tell me I was stupid, yell at me some more, ignore me, etc. The list could go on and on, and it does, but since I've been scanning my pictures into my computer I'm finding that there obviously were some good times having this twerp kid in my life.

And truly, all kidding aside, I'm SO very glad that he came along. He was my partner in crime long before I had friends. He was the first listener to my stories. He can make me laugh even when he makes me angry. He makes me crazy with his movie quotes and his knowing every lyric to every song, but he is generous and kind and has told me before that he would give me the shirt off his back if I needed it. Of course, he said it would be sweaty, dirty, and stinky, but...

I have watched him grow from a tiny tot to a business man, a husband, and a father. I have learned things from him and about him through the years that have made me think he isn't such a pain in the ass after all. He has faced adversity and heartbreak and come out stronger for it. He is faithful, loving when he wants to be, and goofy. Oh, and funny. There really isn't anyone that I know that is funnier than my brother. He can pull you up from the depths of anger or sadness with his craziness and have you laughing until your sides hurt.

I'm proud of who he is. I'm thankful for having him as a sidekick, especially these last few years, and I'm hoping that we have tons more years to further strengthen our family bond. I really, truly, am glad that he joined our family and can't imagine life without him.

Happy Birthday Rusty. I love you dearly....even if you don't read my blog. Oh, and your present will be late.


  1. You are GOOD GIRL, you describe him to a TEE! And you are correct, he is a good guy...but I too remember some of his antics.

  2. The world is definitely a better place with him in it, and you too, Cara. You are two of the funniest people I know....
