Saturday, March 12, 2016

Out of the mouths of my babes

The college kid came home today for spring break. OH MY GOD IT IS SO WONDERFUL HAVING HER HOME. Somehow in all of the time between when we made the flight arrangements and today I forgot that we had her coming and going on two different airlines. I thought she was on the airline that zooms right into our local airport and is a hop, skip, and a jump from our house. I was happily drinking my coffee and blogging away on the day's post (which will now be tomorrow's post) when hubby came in and reminded me we had to drive 45 minutes to the "big city airport". I argued thinking he was nuts, but turns out I was nuts. Oops.

We were late. She was early. She had her luggage when we pulled up so there was no parking and no fees to be paid, and I didn't care if the airport police arrested me for jumping out of the vehicle, but I had to hug my girl, and kiss her, and hug her, and kiss her. SO good to have her home. We got her tucked into the backseat and headed back across the water to our side of the bay. Her sibling talked the entire way and through our entire lunch (chosen by daughter who was dying for a Firehouse Sub). At one point we got some words in too.

Me: "Are you going to school to visit your high school teachers at all this week?"
Madison: "No, I don't think so."
Me: "You don't want to have them ask you to talk to the seniors or juniors like some of your friends have done during spring break?"
Madison: "No one asks me to do stuff like that."
Darcy: "Well, so and so came back and talked."
Madison: "I heard."
Darcy: "What? How?" Looks at me. "Wait! Mom! You told her?"
Madison: "Yes, mom told me."
Darcy: "Stop that! Stop telling Maddy my stories."
Madison: "Well, you don't call me or talk to me when I'm at school to tell me these things."
Tom: "Yeah. You don't call her to talk. Don't you have things to tell her? Don't you miss her?"
Darcy: "Seriously? Clearly I do. I haven't stopped word vomiting since she got into the car."

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