Thursday, April 14, 2016

Birthday video shout out #2

My nephew's birthday was the beginning of April. As usual I have yet to send the gift. (Listen! It's an illness. I truly believe that) Actually I blame the commercialism of birthdays. Do kids really need more crap? We should be donating to their college fund or their college drinking fund. Something else besides nonsense they don't need. I need to find something, like books, that I can send to everyone on my list. Hmmm...that's a good one I like that. I should file that away.

My go to for a gift is Amazon. Amazon has EVERYTHING. I should have gotten my crown for my tooth on Amazon. I bet it would have been cheaper. So today I went to check my To Do List from last week to put any leftovers on this week's list, and sure enough there was "Buy Joey/Send Gift". So I got online to send that Amazon gift card and that made me wonder if I had sent his sister one in January. I had no record in my Amazon account of that. Now I can't remember if I sent anything or not. I truly have an issue. So in the spirit of shouting out to make up for my forgetfulness and lateness on gift sending, here is a birthday video for my niece and nephew who just happen to be siblings!

Happy Birthday guys! We truly do love you.

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