Wednesday, April 20, 2016

New things I've learned this past month

  1. Tomato paste comes in a tube! - I was griping while making my Lasagna soup that lately recipes I've made have only called for a couple of tablespoons of paste and what am I suppose to do with the leftover portion? My good buddy, Hazel Kelly, who is a superior whiz in the kitchen, told me I could get this in a tube, and then she sent me a picture of it the next time she was in the grocery.
  2. Not to judge my new neighbor harshly - We have a great oak tree in our front yard and its branches stretch out over the street, our neighbor's yard, and our house, yard, and driveway. The county cuts the branches over the street every two years or so. Our first neighbor asked us to leave the branches and our second neighbor whined about them, but no one took him seriously. Our new neighbors just flat out went ahead and hired someone to cut them. I woke up to the sound of the electric chainsaw and giant limbs plummeting to the ground. In a quick Google search to determine if this was legal, I found it was, although all of the sites I read suggested a conversation with the owner of the tree. After considerable thinking on my part, I've decided our neighbor did the right thing because had she come over to discuss the trimming of our tree I would've offered to pay for it.
  3. The meaning to the word WEFT - I do the crossword puzzle in our morning newspaper every day. A few weeks ago this word came up. I had to look it up because I had never heard of it. It came up again this week and I had not retained the damn word. Once the boxes were filled out and weft was right there in front of me I remembered it. Now I hope I never forget it. It is a tapestry thread, by the way.
  4. That I have a long way to go in the listening department - I am a talker. I know! Shocking to so many of you that know me. I've really tried hard these past few months to work on my listening skills, but I ruined all my hard work this past weekend at a dinner party. I'm more like my mother than I'd like to admit. Knowing it all is just hard. She always told me that. Now I've got to just keep that to myself....
  5. How to iron out carpet stains - This one was a Facebook post that someone shared. I watched it and then Googled it and then tried it. First, you take a mixture of white vinegar and water and spray it on the stain. Second, you take a hot wet rag and place it over the mixture/stain. Lastly, you iron over the rag on a steam setting. The stain is suppose to come through on the rag and disappear from the carpet. I ironed out an Elliot urine stain I found in Madison's bedroom. Here are the results:
The stain

Steps 1 and 2

The stain coming through the rag

The finished product...hmmmmm....