Friday, May 27, 2016

Southwest Airlines has our business

I wrote recently, NO NOT THE CROWN AGAIN, about my plane delay on Southwest Airlines when I went to pick up Madison. The pilot didn't show and we sat on the plan waiting for the back up Captain. For two hours. It wasn't all that bad, the waiting, except it was 6:00 in the morning, and I was hungry, and tired, and coffee-less. But I had three seats to myself and the option of getting off of the plane. I was perfectly content as one could be as the situation could have been way worse.

But since I am a modern, social media, techie with peeps who live for my updates, I tweeted my dilemma. "Pilot for my @SouthwestAir flight a no show. I knew a 6 a.m. flight was too damn early." I was being funny. I'm not an early morning person.

Southwest immediately tweeted me. "@cmkerwin We're sorry we let you down with the delay. I assure you we are working diligently to get you on your way as soon as possible."

Welcome to the modern world. Companies now have employees who troll the social media world to respond to things such as my tweet. I love it. I tweet a lot of things to companies, both good and bad, and I've had a lot of success in responses. While my complaints might not be truly looked into just someone tweeting me back telling me the company will do just that makes me feel better. It makes me feel vindicated. It makes me feel like they care about me as a customer.

Southwest, however, truly does care and obviously takes complaints seriously. A few days after my return flight I received an email from the company apologizing for my delay and giving me a $75 voucher to be used on my next flight. What? I was flabbergasted. The two hour delay, while annoying, wasn't devastating for me. I was not on a time crunch. I didn't have a connecting flight. Life happens. The pilot, for whatever reason, didn't make it. Another one had to be called in. I imagined that call to the back up; waking her up from a sound sleep, how she would have to shower, make and drink some coffee, grumble, dress, drive to the airport. We've all been in that back up situation before. We've all gotten the call and agreed to hurry, but secretly took our time somewhat because "I'm doing them a favor." This incident was not going to stop me from flying Southwest.

But let me tell you this: that voucher for $75 to make up for my delay? That impressed us, mainly my husband, so much that we just purchased four tickets to California on Southwest Airlines. He didn't even look at another airline. Southwest Airlines has our business. They will always be the first airline we check from now on when checking and making flights.

I tweeted: "Wow! @SouthwestAir sent a beautiful letter and gift for my disrupted flight last week. Now that is customer service. #southwestrocks"

And Southwest? They responded right back with: "@cmkerwin Thank you for the shout out! We're so happy that we can help make you happy. We can't wait for you to fly with us again soon."

Rest assured Southwest. This family is filling you again!

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