Thursday, June 30, 2016

Six month resolution check 2016

Whoa, now it is getting real. Six months! Six months have passed since I made these resolutions. How is that possible? I still feel the high of Christmas 2015 and in six months it will be Christmas 2016. Life is whizzing by while I 'm still just thinking about getting to these resolutions.

I grade from 1-10 with 10 being the highest. Still early in the year so I'm not feeling too shabby...
  1. To get into a routine with my physical therapy exercises and to have massages - Okay, here is the deal. I have been way better about the exercises because, well, they help. For mother's day I received some massage certificates, but decided I would get to those after I come back from vacation. But I think I should still count something for paying for it already. Right? Grade: 6
  2. To be serious about getting healthy; lose weight, exercise regularly, swim - So to help me with this little resolution I made Madison join my gym for the summer, and we started off with a bang. That lasted all of one week and a half. May was busy with me volunteering at school. Then I was too tired. Then blah, blah, blah. I have been exercising twice in my own pool, but swimming no. I suck at losing weight. I suck at this resolution. I need a trainer and a personal chef. Help! Grade: 4
  3. To celebrate people's birthdays via my blog - I have considered this resolution, even at the halfway mark, as completed! Grade: 10
  4. To scan all my photos and organize them on the computer - Okay, well, this is another one I've done well with. Now scanning ALL my photos? Well, I have six months more to go, but the other day when I went back through the bin I felt pretty good. Until I realized another entire bag was sitting behind the bin. Still, I've rocked this one. Grade: 10
  5. To work on myself mentally - These past two months were fairly decent despite horrifying happenings in the country. Staying off of Facebook helps. Listening to our reverend on Sundays helps. Living in the moment certainly helps. Still trying to master shutting up and listening more, but hey, I can't conquer that in six months. Grade: 6
Total Score: 36 out of 50 - Whoa, two points higher than last check. Still better than halfway there. Six months to go. Okay, weight. You're next.

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