Monday, August 15, 2016


August came quickly. It usually does, but this year it came faster because our school board voted to start school two weeks early. It put a damper on the summer, but I was determined to squeeze out as much of my time with my girls as I could. We returned from our CA vacation the weekend of July 4th. A week later we had family arrive for almost two weeks. They left, and we had a lull. It didn't last long.

Darcy: "So, hey, Mommy..."
Me: "Oh, boy. That lead in always means you want something from me."

She did. Apparently, through social media, on a Friday, while at work, she learned that GeekyCon was in Orlando for the weekend. I looked at her my thoughts whirling. With my embracement of social media, I have learned a lot. I follow strangers on Instagram and SnapChat. I have Twitter followers I don't know. I have favorite Viners and YouTubers, and some nights we just sit at home and watch these various entertainers on our television. When we discovered that VidCon was going on in CA the same time we were we actually thought about changing our itinerary to attend. All of us. It is the big kahuna of all things social media, but there are also little cons held around the country. GeekyCon was one of them, and it happened to be in our backyard.

Darcy: "Jon Cozart is there. Please! Please!"

She had me at Jon Cozart. Several years ago I was introduced to him via a relative on Facebook. He posted a video of Cozart who had written a little ditto he titled, "After Ever After". (If you haven't seen it, by all means click and watch. You won't be disappointed) It is a little parody of four of Disney's princesses, and it is hilarious and oh, so very creative. I showed it to everyone. Tom and I watched it over and over amazed at how he put it all together. I showed the girls. I showed my friends. I still show people when they look at me with no recognition when hearing his name, despite his appearance on various talk shows. I'm all about creativity, and social media has opened up a huge business. I applaud those who take advantage of it.

I snagged a Wyndham for two nights, and we left the next morning before dawn. I dropped the two girls off by 9:00 am where they interacted with tons of nerds and various social media "celebrities". I

I didn't see them again until 6:00 pm when I picked them up and took them to dinner. They ate, showered, dressed in party outfits, and went back again to the convention center for a dance and the distribution of the new Harry Potter Play that came out after midnight. I picked them up once again at 1:00 am. and returned them back again eight hours later. It was all worth it. They saw Jon Cozart multiple times, enough for him to ask Darcy where her sister was by day two when she got his autograph without Madison.

I hung out at the resort, hooked up with family who popped into town for the weekend (more on that later), and spent a lot of time driving back and forth to the convention center. It was all worth it. While I didn't get to spend time with the girls I got to witness their excitement, hear their stories, and bask in their joy. Plus, I got to be the cool mom for a weekend.

And it made August creeping up so quickly a little more tolerable. Just a little.

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